Jesus will never be under the rubble

Well, our friend is at it again, Who am I talking about? The Rev Dr. Munther Isaac.
Last June, while visiting the Bethlehem Bible College in the hills of biblical Judea, I saw a large poster sponsored by Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC) 2024. There was an image of a young child in a manger, accompanied by the following caption: “If Jesus were born today, He would be born in Gaza under the rubble." (Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac)
Today, Isaac is saying that Jesus is still under the rubble.
Can you imagine it? Almighty God is still in the rubble today...the Creator of the universe, the One who set the sun, moon and stars in the sky, is under the rubble?
I don't know which Jesus Rev. Munther Isaac worships but I don't recognise Jesus in the rubble.
The last time I read the Bible, it told me that Jesus was at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me.
He is not covered in dust under rubble.
I believe this is just another attempt to play politics with Jesus. Don't get me wrong. I think Christians should be involved in politics. In the United Kingdom, our laws are steeped in Judeo-Christian values, and we need those values more than ever today.
But if a Christian is going to get into politics, he needs to read the Bible and let the Bible dictate his politics, not let the situation dictate the Bible.
The Bible tells us of God's wonderful promise to the Jewish people – an eternal covenant that cannot be broken. So when we play politics with Jesus, like Rev. Isaac is doing, we are actually fighting against God.
Yes, the situation in Gaza is tragic.
Yes, innocent people have been killed.
Yes, the world needs to do more.
But that is not the only story. Everything goes back to October 7th, 2023. Everything happening to the residents of Gaza at the moment is because of Israel being attacked by Hamas terrorists that morning.
Yes, there is a lot of history, but the war today is a direct result of Hamas invading Israel.
I wonder if Mohammad is in the rubble, or perhaps Buddha? Or is it just Jesus, so weak that He is still in the rubble?
Statements like "Jesus was born in Gaza" and "Jesus is still under the rubble" undermine Christianity in the Holy Land.
God the Son, Jesus the Christ, isn't a weak, pathetic rubble-covered man. He is God, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and does not deserve to be treated with such humiliation.
Don't buy the lie!!
Jesus was a Jew (not a Palestinian) born in Bethlehem in Judea. He died for our sins and rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of the Father in honour and majesty.
Not under the rubble.
I wonder if Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac is attempting to start a cult (I don't actually believe he is). But time will tell, because if we look at the cults of today, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, they have a Bible like we do, but their Bible is different from ours.
When Jesus calmed the storm, the disciples worshipped Him. Jehovah's Witnesses say they gave him honour. Of course, they couldn't worship Him because they believed Jesus was an angel.
It doesn't take much to start a cult, an error here and an error there...
Jesus would never have been born in Gaza, and he is still not under the rubble.
Jesus is not a chess piece to be played with to try and fit your particular narrative.
I am happy to confess that today Jesus is in my heart, ruling as king.

Paul is a Christian journalist based in the Middle East.