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Kamala’s 'too many Palestinians are dying' claim

Democratic presidential nominee and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage on Day 4 of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 22, 2024. (Photo: REUTERS/Mike Segar)

It’s always wise to read the fine print of a contract, and when it comes to U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris’ verbal contract, as it relates to Israel, that advice goes double!

Confidently stating that “There won’t be a change in policy of arming Israel or in support of its defense,” it’s easy to believe that the Jewish state will have nothing to fear under a Harris presidency, but here’s where the fine print creates a slight modification. Harris adds to those words, “How Israel defends itself matters; too many Palestinians are dying.”

That warning, because it surely is one, makes all the difference in the world to how Harris would govern when Israel, at some future time, finds herself fighting for her very existence, because that will certainly happen, and when it does, you can bet your bottom dollar that many Palestinians will, once again, die. Why is that? Because, as in the past, they will be the expendable public relations props, trotted out for all to see in order to mischaracterize Israel as the bad guys.

Even now, despite the irrefutable reports that Hamas terrorists killed the six hostages who were discovered dead on Sunday morning, in a Rafah tunnel, Hamas is blaming the deaths on IDF soldiers who they claim killed them, the most absurd claim ever.

Similar incidents, of either deliberate killing or Hamas mis-firings, have also previously been blamed on the Israeli military when, in fact, investigations disclosed that the deaths were caused by the terrorists – yes, the same individuals who are known to use their own people as human shields. To them, each death is a valuable asset in their quiver of media posts, used to disseminate false propaganda which is then picked up by anti-Israel protesters, who are only too eager to believe whatever they are told by Israel’s detractors! 

It's yet another weapon, added to the exaggerated numbers of dead as well as staged injured, made to appear real but, when caught on film, were actual actors playing a role for the sake of fueling more hatred of Israel and Jews by extension.

It’s more than likely that this is the same information that is being fed to Kamala Harris whose estimates of dead Palestinians are based on numbers put forth by the Hamas Ministry of Health, which are highly inflated and wholly inaccurate. So why would any U.S. government official choose to believe the word of avowed terrorists rather than that of a democratic nation? It’s no different than believing the promises of a pathological liar. 

But in Kamala’s case, given her progressive anti-Israel constituency, which could very well end up deciding whether or not she’s the next U.S. president, it pays to believe the false, inflated numbers, because that adds legitimacy to the libelous claim that Israel is perpetrating ethnic cleansing. Just the claim alone could cause President Harris to say, “All bets are off. Our administration will not assist a nation with genocidal aspirations.”  

And there you have it! The fine print is what rules the decision to stand by Israel or abandon her even though she is the one being terrorized and threatened with extinction. This is the risk for Israel if Harris should win the 2024 presidential election. Anyone who thinks otherwise and chooses to believe her promises of support, while she is campaigning, should know that there is no real commitment behind her words. 

Things can change in a moment with Harris. After all, look at how she has suddenly changed her mind on such issues as fracking, consequences for those crossing the border illegally and a variety of other matters on which she held a completely different opinion back in 2019. 

So why would support for Israel be any different – especially when a flip-flopper is running the show?

Of course, one option would be to do some independent investigating of incriminating assertions before putting them out for public consumption. Another alternative is to make a fact-finding trip to Israel in order to meet with generals, leaders and even soldiers who have seen, first-hand, the type of dirty tricks and malicious tactics that are being perpetrated by unscrupulous and amoral terrorists who would go to any lengths needed to achieve their goal of a Middle East without a Jewish presence.

While she’s at it, she could visit the wounded, those who spent time in the tunnels of Gaza and survivors of the kibbutz massacres. She could personally view the filmed atrocities and hear the horrific stories of the things that took place on what should have been an otherwise peaceful Sabbath morning. 

There’s only one problem with all of that. Knowing the truth obligates you to act accordingly – something that Kamala Harris cannot do, because, as a politician whose base includes anti-Zionists, Marxists, the Woke, suppressors of free speech and Palestinian activists, she has a duty and commitment to advocate for them, because they are the ones without whom she will not attain the position she most desires.

Consequently, it doesn’t matter who becomes the sacrificial lamb in order for her to attain the title of Leader of the Free World. But with her at the helm, the free world will take on a very different meaning. It will no longer champion truth, individual freedoms, diversity of opinions or even the values of faith, family and patriotism.

Under a Harris administration, America will dramatically be taken in another direction – one which is no longer the strongest ally and friend of the Jewish state, because everything will be done in consideration of those who put Kamala in the driver’s seat. Their loyalty will demand a payback, and that won’t be too difficult for a chameleon who is willing to change her position to gain ultimate power. It’s sad to say, but this is what the last five years have shown us, ever since Harris came onto the national political stage, pushing a far-left agenda, exceeding others before her.

Couple that with her running mate, Governor Tim Walz who has already embellished his military career and tried to sell himself as an All-American centrist whose values are just like those from any rust-belt state. 

Today, both will do their utmost to convince everyone that they will defend and support Israel if they win the election, but keep that fine print in mind, because those more obscured phrases may come back to haunt all lovers of Israel, not to mention those of us who already live here.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she is retired and now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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