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Meet the hate group, “Within Our Lifetime”


Like most people, you’ve probably never heard of the group, “Within Our Lifetime,” but you’ll be hearing much more about them, especially on September 2nd, when they, along with 52 other pro-Palestinian organizations, intend to participate in a massive protest at New York City’s, Union Square on Labor Day, “with flags, drums and other noise makers.” 

As stated, on their website, their aim is to unite as many as possible to join their efforts “to protest against the repression of Palestine.”

But who is this group, and what are their claims as it relates to Israel? Unashamedly identifying themselves as anti-Zionists, they assert that “Zionism is a settler-colonial white supremacist ideology built on the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people.” Among their four “Points of Unity,” the first is the Right of Return of ALL Palestine.  Once again, with nothing hidden, they quote “From the River to the Sea,” leaving no illusions that they want the total destruction of Israel.

What becomes clear, almost immediately, is that the site was written by a Marxist, Woke ideologue who has no knowledge of the history of Israel, the Jewish people or the diversity of their color. The laughable assertion that Zionism qualifies as a “settler-colonial white supremacist” movement, flies in the face of the millions of dark-skinned Sephardic, Oriental and Ethiopian Jews, who make up a significant portion of the population within the Jewish homeland. Nothing could display more ignorance than the false claim that all Jews are white supremacists.  

I take that back, because the equally absurd statement that Zionism was a settler-colonial ideology reveals the complete cluelessness, that prior to the U.N. vote of Partition in 1947, this area was under British rule, with real colonialism taking place on both Jews and Arabs who, at the time, inhabited the country. 

It wasn’t until the nations of the world decided that there should be a homeland for the Jewish people, alongside one for the Arabs who were not called Palestinians, back then. That politically-driven name came much later, through the efforts of Yasser Arafat who first adopted the new identification which stuck to this day.

Finally, the libelous accusation of Zionism, being built upon the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people is a fantastical rewriting of history in an attempt to denigrate and vilify the real definition of Zionism, which is nothing more than the establishment of a Jewish nation, where the dispersed tribes could return to their ancestral homeland. 

These were individuals who were the offspring of generations that relied upon the goodness of their various host countries which agreed to take them in, but who mostly turned against them at some point, exiling them in the best-case scenario or massacring them in the worst. 

What is certain is that the Jewish people never sought to control other populations but were, instead, often abused and horribly mistreated by their overlords who, throughout history, did everything to disenfranchise them and prevent their being able to live with the same rights and privileges as others.  

Even in the 20th century, in their beloved United States of America, the great bastion of freedom, there were institutions of higher learning that enforced a strict quota system as it related to Jewish enrollment. Jews were precluded from holding certain high positions in government, and, socially, Jews were not always welcomed into country clubs or other public establishments. One such locale was the Kenilworth Hotel, located in Bal Harbour, Florida which was known for being “restricted,” - meaning that no Jews were allowed entrance.

For anyone interested in researching the subject, just do a Google search on the history of antisemitism in the United States. You’ll find enough documented information to write a comprehensive book on the subject.  

In short, Jewish people have been the victims of hate, despising and contempt for as long as it took to make their way to the shores of America and well before that. Yet, it did not stop them from becoming the most successful and well-established people who, despite their minuscule numbers, when considering the size of the population, as a whole, they make up a mere 0.2% of the 8 billion inhabitants of the world, it’s simply mind-boggling to see how far the Jewish people have come and to what great lengths they have excelled, contributing to all of society in just about every capacity known to man.

It is this indomitable spirit that is most despised by other ethnicities, because Jews were able to rise above their sorry state, emerging victoriously from victimhood status, able to lift themselves to the highest places possible, something others failed to do or chose not to do.

So, if, today, Jews are disproportionately successful, does that qualify them to be classified as settler-colonial white supremacists? Or does it more certify them as people with an amazing sense of determination, drive, aspiration, capability, creativity and purpose? They are people with an unmistakable resolve to achieve the best possible outcome for themselves, their families and even their global neighbors. 

This is the missing context of groups such as, “Within Our Lifetime,” who would rather demonize and malign the people and the country of the Jewish race, in an attempt to get others to hate them as much as they do. But, when you’re blessed by God, as His Chosen have been, you can curse them day and night, but it will have no effect.

In fact, it’s been tried before, as we read in the account of Numbers 23, where the king of Moab, Balak commanded the prophet Balaam “to curse Jacob and damn Israel,” (verse 7 MSG) to which Balaam answered, “How can I curse whom God has not cursed? How can I damn whom God has not damned?”  

Today, nearly 4,000 years later, the answer is the same. You cannot curse what God has not cursed nor can you damn what God has not damned. In the end, the only curse which will attach itself to individuals, is the one mentioned in Genesis 12:3.  I will curse those who curse Israel.

On September 2nd, anyone who aligns with the 52 hate groups that will be summoning a curse upon themselves, by seeking to curse what God has clearly blessed, is forewarned to think long and hard about joining forces with those who have not only come against the Jewish people and their homeland but against God, Himself!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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