The ugly truth – No one cares about Gazans

Is it really true? No one cares for Gazans? If so, then why do we see hundreds of students, marching almost daily for Gazans, taking up their cause and even wearing the checkered keffiyeh? Why do we hear endless condemnation of Israel by powerful organizations such as the U.N. and the International Criminal Court? Why do countries, such as South Africa accuse us of genocide?
All of the above is supposed to be evidence that the world really does care about the fate of Gazans. But here’s the ugly truth. They don’t!
Nothing was more heartbreaking than the image Fox news broadcasted on Thursday’s edition of Fox and Friends, showing a tormented middle-aged woman who had lost all of her family in the war. In her anguish, she began by uncontrollably crying and screaming that all of her loved ones had perished. Finally slapping herself on the face, over and over again, she cried out, “Where are all the countries abroad to intervene? Where are they?”
It's sad to say, but it has taken decades upon decades for Gazans to come to the harsh realization that they have been the unlucky pawns of many evil people who, rather than help them to build a successful and productive life, have, instead, exploited them as a means to embitter the lives of Israelis whom they want gone from this Middle East region.
But here’s the problem. While it has, indeed, been a never-ending source of conflict and irritation for Israelis, who simply want to live in peace in their ancestral homeland, no amount of rocket launching, infiltration or looming threat has succeeded in breaking the Jewish people, to the point where they would actually consider leaving the place which God gave to them as their inheritance.
To the contrary, despite all of the hardship, struggle and interruption, brought on by the inevitable wars, which must be fought year after year, Israel has managed to move forward, building the best and most prosperous life which other countries, centuries older, have only been able to dream about.
It is as a result of this unending threat that we have been forced to construct one of the strongest and most well-equipped military complexes in order to survive the incoming attacks with which other nations do not contend. Israel is compelled to strive for excellence in all we do or we might not live to see another day.
Conversely, Gazans have allowed themselves to be dominated and overpowered by cruel men, whose consciences are impenetrable and indifferent to the immense suffering of their constituents who have given them carte blanche, believing that they would deliver on what they promised - paradise on earth. Sadly, the bait and switch turned out to be their worst nightmare. Forced to live in hell over the last 17 months, most of them are now homeless and devoid of possessions, all because they were ruled by ruthless terrorists who cared nothing for them.
Seen as disposable objects, these monsters have found a way to capitalize on their misery, through the use of disturbing visual images where women and children are put on display in order to garner world sympathy, but is that what’s really happening? Or is that dramatic footage being used as a convenient guise to disseminate Jewish hatred rather than focusing on the plight of Gazans?
It would seem to be the former and not the latter, because if Gazan suffering was really the central concern, there are a few important questions that would need to be asked. For example:
Why do the circumstances of Gazans remain the same year after year, with no improvement?
Who is responsible for the loss of their homes, livelihoods, possessions and family members?
What positive aspects has their leadership brought to enhance their lives and those of their children?
What kind of academic education have they received? What is the percentage of those who go on to university and receive degrees?
How free are Gazans to candidly express their viewpoints or disagree with their government?
What is the framework of their electoral system?
What is the life expectancy of their young men?
These are not questions which rest with the government of Israel, since we are not ultimately responsible for the well-being and productivity of the Gazan people. They are! Just as the residents of any other country, it is up to each one to decide upon what kind of life they want for themselves and their families. Then they have to make the individual choice of which leader can best provide that outcome – someone who shares their values, aspirations and vision of a good future.
And this is what they have failed to do for too many years. Instead, they have outsourced their fate to bloodthirsty killers who have no sentiment for others, including the people they supposedly claim to champion.
A fake news report was recently circulated, stating that the IDF had distributed leaflets in Gaza which stated that the Trump plan would be enforced whether they liked it or not. It went on to say that no one cared about them, not the U.S., Gaza or anyone. While the story was proved to be a fabrication, it probably is not far from the truth.
Neighboring Jordan and Egypt have both refused to take in Gazans who are in desperate need of a home after theirs has been reduced to rubble, thanks to their leaders who put them in the worst possible predicament after committing a brutal massacre on Israelis. But none of those who governed Gazans cared how it would end for them. It was just another day in the life of a savage freedom fighter accompanied by the usual collateral damage!
If this war hasn’t been a sober wake-up call for these people to finally realize that no one cares for them, most especially, those who promised them everything but delivered less than nothing, then they will never become a self-reliant, purposeful people whose destiny is no longer entrusted to cruel and evil men.
It is time for Gazans to stop beating their breasts and come to the realization that if they want peace, happiness and a worthwhile future, they, just as everyone else, must work towards the goals which will bring them those things. Otherwise, they will continue to remain victims in perpetuity, languishing in their torment and accusing the world of being indifferent to their plight.
It’s really up to them and not anyone else!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.