The worst attempt ever at genocide

It came as no surprise that Amnesty International, an uber biased human rights’ group, which has never made a secret of its antipathy for Israel, has implicated it as having committed a genocide against Palestinians.
If that claim is true, the attempt to ethnically cleanse Gazans was a colossal failure, as displayed by the application of a little bit of math.
Amnesty’s assertion is that “42,000 Palestinians, including 13,300 children, have been killed by the Israeli military from October 7, 2023 until October 7, 2024.” Of course, there is no doubt that Amnesty is relying upon the numbers put out by the Hamas propaganda machine, lacking all verifiable proof as to the accuracy of those numbers.
So, from the start, it has to be assumed that the numbers are highly inflated, designed to create a narrative of victimhood, portraying Israel as the perpetrators of evil. According to Wikipedia, the Al-Qassam Brigades, a/k/a Hamas terrorists, were said to have numbered between 20-40,000 fighters, prior to October 7th.
Since when does a human rights’ report take into consideration the deaths of terrorists, who unleashed a savage attack upon innocent civilians, as those whose precious lives were extinguished? I don’t remember having read such statistics about Nazis, being grouped along with the dead among Europe’s civilian population at the conclusion of WWII. But here, the reader is supposed to look at these monsters as part of the regrettable numbers which were the casualties of a war initiated by them.
Predictably, nowhere in the Amnesty article does it attribute the deaths to Hamas bullets, Hamas misfired rockets or deliberate Gazan murders, committed by Hamas, in order to further inflate the numbers for the sake of their public relations’ campaign. It’s just taken for granted that all the deaths were a direct result of IDF actions.
So, assuming that there were 40,000 Hamas terrorists, and, today, less than 1/3 of them remain alive, that would mean that almost 30,000 terrorists were killed. Amnesty’s claim of 42,000, would mean that an additional 12,000 were killed who may not have been terrorists. Again, no one knows, for sure, who killed them.
The population of Gaza, prior to October 7th was estimated at over 2.4 million people. This means that if 12,000 were killed, all of them being civilians – which, again, cannot be verified, that comes to 0.005% - predicated on the IDF eliminating 30,000 Hamas terrorists. But even if the number was not that high, it never rises to over 1%.
The definition of genocide is, “An act committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” That means that if Israel’s intent was to destroy an entire population, we are guilty of being inept, incompetent, unskilled, ineffective and the worst bungling group of individuals who ever attempted to pull off such an objective. We were so bad at it, that 99.5% of the people are still alive.
How is it possible that Israelis are so good, so skilled and so adept, excelling at all they do, but such miserable failures at genocide? The answer is pretty obvious! Because the wholesale murder of the Palestinian people, who live in Gaza, has never been an aspiration of Israel, despite continuing claims that it was and is. The numbers simply don’t add up.
In the worst case scenario - where Amnesty is correct, and Israel was responsible for the death of 42,000 Gazans, that still only adds up to 1.5%. But, of course, that cannot be possible, because that would mean that no terrorists were killed, and from that Amnesty number of 42,000, terrorists must be subtracted if a legitimate civilian percentage is to be determined, so we are back to somewhere between ½ a percent or a little more – still not approaching a diabolical claim of genocide.
What comes across loud and clear, is that Amnesty has a very specific agenda, and that is to cast Israel as the villain, despite the brutal and barbaric attack committed, against her citizens, while they slept in their beds on a Shabbat morning which should have been like any other.
It wouldn’t matter what explanation or investigative facts might have been offered by the IDF, because Amnesty admits that after having heard from the Israeli military, legitimizing their actions, Amnesty still arrived at the conclusion that their facts were not credible, since many areas in Gaza were densely populated, risking the safety of the civilian population.
Ironically, there is no mention of Hamas operatives jeopardizing their own people by placing tunnel shafts, weapons, rockets, launching pads and terrorists under homes, hospitals, schools and just about anywhere they could, right in the middle of the bustling Gaza life, making it impossible for the IDF to strike back.
It was that cowardly strategy, to cynically use their citizens as expendable human shields that was a win-win situation, because if masses died, Israel would look bad, but if they succeeded to keep their urbanized battleground intact, they would gain the advantage of launching rockets, killing Israelis and destroying our country, because they knew that we would never retaliate against ordinary civilians.
And we didn’t. We systematically and methodically moved them out of harm’s way, in order to keep them safe, and while that involved rendering them homeless, they only have to point the finger at their Hamas leaders, who put them in that situation by attempting to commit a real genocide against our people which would not have ended with the southern kibbutz communities.
Somehow, all of that escaped Amnesty, whose report only sees one side in order to present a very damning conclusion - the one they want which suits their own purpose of maligning the Jewish homeland, a country best known for coming to the immediate aid of others when disasters occurred.
“The malicious lies, gross distortions of truth and fabrications of law,” as stated by the International Legal Forum, which excoriated Amnesty’s report, are the best they can do to blacken the name of Israel, but the real conclusion speaks for itself, because the numbers don’t lie, no matter how much they are manipulated.
Perhaps, the greatest proof of the genocide lie is that “the Gaza population increased by 2.02% or 43,000 people since October 7th per the World Factbook.
“All historical genocides have had population decreases of 25% or more.”
According to the CIA World fact book, the population in Gaza has increased by 2.02% since Oct 7, 2023. Facts vs opinion #AmnestyLies There is no genocide in Gaza. No intent or actions by Israel to conduct a genocide. Actually the opposite, Israel has done more to protect…
— John Spencer (@SpencerGuard) December 5, 2024

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.