All Israel

Ynet photographer shoots down terrorist who stabbed Jerusalem bus driver

Hamas praised the stabbing, calling it retaliation for Israel’s ‘crimes against the holy places of Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem’

Scene of a terror attack in Jerusalem, July 19, 2022. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

An Israeli photographer for the Ynet news outlet stopped a terrorist attack in Jerusalem on Tuesday afternoon.

Photographer Meshi Ben Ami was in the Ramot neighborhood of northeastern Jerusalem when he noticed the terrorist stabbing a bus driver on Golda Meir Boulevard.

The assailant, a man in his 40s, had boarded bus line 147 and attacked the driver with a screwdriver. The driver reportedly stopped the vehicle and opened the doors, letting the passengers flee.

According to The Times of Israel, Ben Ami shot the suspected assailant before Israeli police arrived on the scene.

“I got out of the car, loaded my gun and realized it was a terror attack. The stabber came to me; I did not hesitate and fired one bullet at him. I heard him praying in Arabic,” Ben Ami said in an interview with Kan, an Israeli public broadcaster.

The 41-year-old driver was moderately injured and evacuated to the intensive care unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

“The patient was lying on the ground near the bus, fully conscious with stab wounds. We were told he was stabbed on the bus during the journey,” said paramedics for Magen David Adom, Israel’s Red Cross equivalent. “We provided initial lifesaving care, including bandaging and stopping the bleeding.”

Following the attack, a spokesman for the Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas said the attack comes in response “to the crimes of occupation against the holy places of Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem.”

“The attack once again emphasizes the failure of attempts to stop the resistance in the occupied West Bank and the city of Jerusalem,” the spokesman added.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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