All Israel

Failed rocket launch near Gilboa, council head calls for Iron Dome

Early on Sunday morning, the al-Ayash Brigade, associated with the al-Qassam Brigades, released a video showing an attempted rocket launch near Jenin towards Moshav Ram-On in the Gilboa area.

According to Israel Defense Forces, the rocket failed to reach Israeli territory, and no casualties were reported.

“We work under complex security conditions and in complete secrecy due to the security situation in the West Bank," said the group responsible for the launch. "The way we are on is not easy and requires a lot of work and effort. We succeed and fail, but we will succeed until we achieve our goal.”

Last week, during a raid in the Jenin refugee camp, the IDF arrested Abdullah Subh, a Hamas member connected to several terror attacks and recent rocket launch attempts.

Gilboa Council head Oved Nur called for the IDF to install Iron Dome batteries in the Gilboa region.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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