All Israel

Missile strikes Egypt’s Sinai border town of Taba, IDF indicates it originated from Yemen

According to Egypt's Al Qahera TV website, a missile struck the town of Taba on the Israel-Egypt border early this morning, injuring six people.

Taba is about a three-hour drive from the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

The missile hit near an ambulance facility and a residential building according to Al Qahera.

The IDF denied any involvement in the missile strike, initially stating that it could be due to a Hamas misfire.

Yesterday, Hamas launched a rocket towards the Red Sea city of Eilat.

Later on Friday morning, IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari said the IDF had determined that the missile originated from the Red Sea area, apparently indicating that Houthi rebels in Yemen were responsible.

Last week, the USS Carney intercepted several missiles launched by the Houthis, while Saudi Arabia intercepted one heading toward Israel.

Reuters also reported a second strike in the Egyptian town of Nuweiba later on Friday morning.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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