Erasing the evil to avoid confronting It

It’s hard to understand how any normal, sane human being could choose to side with cold-hearted, bloodthirsty terrorists, but that’s what we’re witnessing right before our eyes – a growing number of mostly young people, worldwide, who are unashamedly declaring their allegiance and support for a group that would annihilate them in one second if they could.
So convinced that Hamas represents a legitimate government, of oppressed people who have long been the victims of the oppressor, Israel, these angry demonstrators are not, in any way, interested in hearing the other side, which relies upon historical evidence, as well as facts on the ground concerning the treatment of Arabs in the Jewish state.
For those who have already made up their minds, everything else is irrelevant. Israel is guilty, and all Jews are a natural extension of that guilt. It doesn’t matter that Arabs are doctors, lawyers, judges, professors and Knesset members. In fact, it's better left obscured, because those stats just don’t serve the narrative.
Consequently, in order to facilitate their belief system, anything or anyone that challenges their version of reality must be erased in order to further the illusion that their radical ideology is undeniable. And that is the reason that so many of these deluded young people have gone out of their way to tear down the pictures of hostages.
The fact that they are still languishing in Gaza, unable to return to their homes and families, sleep soundly in their own beds, eat properly and be given the daily medical care that so many of them require is not their concern. Nor is the fact that among those hostages are babies, young children and the elderly – individuals who should have never been forcibly brought into captivity.
For the Palestinian sympathizers, it is the annoying presence of those posters, which are too painful to bear because they tug on their heartstrings and consciences, which would only force them to confront the darkness that the rest of us know exists, but which they don’t want to see. And that is why they have been on a rampage to tear down each one – making sure there are no traces of profound suffering, which they prefer to ignore.
To do that, they are willing to do the unthinkable, including calling these documented hostage photos “fake.” When protesters are asked why they support Hamas, they have no problem portraying Israel as the aggressor and Palestinians as the victim class who deserve their sympathies and undying support.
Of course, none of these activist warriors are able to factually back their claims, beliefs or accusations, but that’s less important when you’ve accurately nailed the bully, and in their minds, Israel fits that bill, because they simply don’t come off as the consummate victim.
As ignorant as all of this sounds, it is clearly a subterfuge, which is skillfully and deliberately being employed as a means to further the deceit that must accompany their efforts to bury the truth they are incapable of bearing. This is why their lies are so crucial.
No one stated it more eloquently than Avi Mayer, editor of the Jerusalem Post who wrote, “Denials of known events of genocide must be treated as acts of bitter and malevolent psychological aggression, certainly against the victims, but really against all of human society, for such denials literally celebrate genocidal violence and, in the process, suggestively call for renewed massacres of the same people or of others. Such denials also madden, insult and humiliate the survivors, the relatives of the dead, and the entire people of the victims, and are, without doubt, continuing manifestations of the kinds of dehumanization and disentitlement that we know are the basic psychological substrates that make genocide possible to begin with.”
This insidious and rapidly spreading trend demands a few essential ingredients in order to remain infectious. It must eradicate all documented accounts, vociferously deny any first-hand reports and sweep away all tangible evidence which threatens their refusal to acknowledge the diabolical depravity which man is all too capable of perpetrating on humanity.
The laughable contradiction in all of this, however, is that while they would have us believe that their tender souls are too fragile to digest the possibility of the evil within avowed terrorists, yet, they, somehow, are able to overcome their delicate sensitivities as they angrily emote the most vile and despicable behavior they claim is characterized by Israel and the Jewish people.
Suddenly, there is no difficulty conjuring up horrific imaginations of every dastardly act of oppression that they are sure is being done in order to suppress and forcibly subdue the Palestinian victims who conveniently fulfill the coveted role of a repressed people who, but, for those irascible Jewish overlords, would rise to great heights.
These shocking events have become the new Holocaust denial of our time, ironically during a period of history when everything is filmed in real time – even as we saw corrupt Gazan photojournalists invited to document a massacre in the making.
It honestly defies all reason, leaving us to scratch our heads as we contemplate what could possibly persuade someone to throw in with this kind of evil. Latent, virulent anti-Semitism has been blamed as the instantaneous reaction for the incendiary hate and rage which is everywhere, but as Mayer put it, “the ferocity of the loathing, and the swiftness and openness with which it has been expressed have taken many Jews aback, as have concurrent efforts to alternately, celebrate, deny and erase our suffering.”
What we are seeing is the convergence of victimhood, mixed with a healthy dose of Jew-hatred which, together, meet the criteria of Woke ideology that is so ubiquitous, fitting in well with lock-step culture and grievance mentality. It was the perfect storm waiting to happen, and a brutal Hamas attack was all that it took to awaken that sleeping giant.
The only problems that had to be conquered were those pesky personal stories, accompanied by actual footage, which incontrovertibly revealed the truth to anyone who wanted to know what really happened. But they have a plan for that. It’s to hermetically shut down the other side, tear down the posters and erase all irrefutable proof.
It’s going to take one heck of a big eraser, though, to ignore the testimony of our hostages when, God willing, they are finally released from the gates of hell.

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.