All Israel

Former Israeli police officials tell Netanyahu that Ben Gvir’s policies may cause 3rd intifada

They claim Ben Gvir “exploits events and the police for political purposes”

Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir at the scene of the deadly car-ramming attack near the Ramot Junction in Jerusalem, Feb. 10, 2023. (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Twenty-five former police chiefs and commanders wrote a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday saying that National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir's policies are likely to cause a third intifada, a reference to a Palestinian rebellion or uprising.

The letter called for the prime minister to fire Ben Gvir, arguing that his inexperience will bring about disastrous results, according to a Channel 12 news report.

“The minister, who from the start did not have the experience required for such a complex role, is acting against the authority granted to him by the law, intervening in operational decision-making processes.”

In their letter, the former police officials reportedly focused on Ben Gvir’s push to demolish homes illegally built by Palestinians in East Jerusalem. The letter states that rather than being a deterrent against future illegal activities, such demolitions would spark greater outbreaks of violence, especially in light of the upcoming month of Ramadan.

One of the arguments is that Ben Gvir “exploits events and the police for political purposes.”

Ben Gvir responded to the letter by leveling the same accusation to its authors, claiming that they “destroyed the police force and made it political.”

The national security minister characterized the signers of the letter as “failed officers” who have “destroyed the police and ruined national security.”

The Jewish Power party, led by Ben Gvir, currently holds six seats in the Israeli Knesset. Ben Gvir said he felt his actions have been consistent with the desires of those who elected him.

“I was chosen by the people of Israel, they are the only ones I serve.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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