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IDF: ‘We will open an evacuation route to southern Gaza, despite Saturday attack’

Hamas has been trying to prevent civilians from fleeing south to safety

IDF ground forces in Gaza in a photo released on Nov. 5, 2023 (Photo: IDF)

The IDF Arabic-language spokesman Lt.-Col. Avichai Edrei, announced today that Israel Defense Forces would open an additional humanitarian route to allow residents currently in the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate several miles to the south. 

The move comes after Hamas terrorists attacked IDF forces engaged in opening an evacuation route on Saturday, an effort by Hamas to prevent the residents from fleeing to the south. 

The IDF previously released evidence that Hamas was trying to prevent citizens from fleeing to the south before the ground invasion started, including the use of IEDs along the evacuation route, as well as shooting at civilians trying to flee.  

In a recorded conversation between an IDF officer and a Gazan civilian, the civilian can be heard saying that Hamas set up roadblocks and is firing at people trying to flee. 

According to Edrei's announcement, the route will be open on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“Residents of Gaza, Hamas fired mortar and anti-tank shells at our forces who wanted to open the road from the northern to southern Gaza Strip so that you could protect yourselves. Hamas carried this out because they wanted to keep human shields for themselves and their leaders,” Edrei stated.

“Nevertheless, the IDF will allow traffic on the Salah al-Din road. For your safety, use the next opportunity to move south beyond Wadi Gaza.” 

The spokesman clearly warned residents of the Gaza Strip in Arabic: “If you care about yourself and your loved ones, go south according to our instructions. Rest assured that Hamas leaders are already taking care to defend themselves.” 

On Saturday evening, Hamas used mortar and anti-tank missiles to attack IDF soldiers engaged in opening the Sarah al-Din road, which runs from north to south through the Gaza Strip. 

"This behavior is further evidence that the Hamas terrorist organization is exploiting the residents of the Gaza Strip and preventing them from maintaining their security and moving south,” Edrei said. 

The IDF has concentrated most of its attacks on the northern Gaza Strip and Gaza City, as it fights the Hamas terror infrastructure there and has carried out limited strikes in the south, usually targeting Hamas leaders and commanders.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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