All Israel

Israel inaugurates defense technology pavilion at Eurosatory 2022 in Paris on Monday - view photos

More than 98,000 people from 153 countries attend the event

Rafael’s SPYDER air defense system. (Photo: Rafael Advanced Defense Systems)

The International Defense Cooperation Directorate (SIBAT) of Israel's Defense Ministry will inaugurate the country’s defense technology pavilion on Monday at Eurosatory 2022, one of the world’s largest land and airland defense and security exhibitions.

The event takes place in Paris and runs for five days, through June 17. Fifty-six Israeli companies will showcase their products at the exhibition.

“We will present a wide array of ground-breaking technologies that integrate broad operational experience and provide solutions for varying challenges both on the current and future battlefields,” said SIBAT head, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yair Kulas. “Among the Israeli defense industries participating are also 15 subject matter experts that will present their cutting-edge, unique solutions at the SIBAT national pavilion, a reflection of the innovation and creativity of the Israeli defense industry.”

Israel Aerospace Industries’ REX MK II unmanned land vehicle. (Photo: Israel Aerospace Industries)

The companies are bringing diverse technologies that could address growing defense challenges worldwide, including UAVs, satellite technology, robotics, protective and rescue equipment, homeland security and more. The technology will include autonomous drone interceptors, electro-optical missiles, thermal imaging systems based on artificial intelligence and deep learning, among other systems.

The pavilion spans 240-square meters and includes exhibitions and live demonstrations by a vast majority of countries that have a real defense and security industry, the event website stated.

More than 98,000 people from 153 countries are expected to attend the event, with exhibitors from 63 countries presenting over 500 innovative products.

Robotican's "Goshawk", an autonomous drone interceptor for C-UAS missions. (Photo: Robotican)

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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