All Israel
news brief

Israel's Tourism Ministry makes investments to improve experience for visitors

Israel’s Ministry of Tourism allocated NIS 349 million (approximately $100 million) for the development of dozens of local infrastructure projects around Israel, including bridges, promenades, parking lots, parks, trails, observation points, sound and light shows, as well as the renovation of markets and public spaces.  

Tourism Minister Haim Katz said the investments were intended to upgrade the experience for visiting tourists.

“Improvement of infrastructure and beautification upgrades the tourist experience and encourages returning tourism. I have asked the ministry to prepare a directive for the support budget for 2023 that will place an emphasis on budgetary efficiency alongside maximizing the tourism potential,” Katz said.

The investments are part of Israel’s efforts to strengthen its tourism industry and welcome back tourists, following the large hit that Israel’s tourism sector took as a result of the years-long COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are in the midst of preparing the tourism infrastructure in Israel to welcome tourists following the recovery from the pandemic. We carefully considered the many applications received, and we chose those which would bring the greatest value to tourism,” Ministry of Tourism Dir.-Gen. Dani Shahar said.

Projects receiving state support are located throughout Israel and include an upgrade to the main open thoroughfare of Jerusalem’s popular Mahane Yehuda Market, a continuation of the Dekel (Palm) Promenade in Tiberias, and the development of a churches trail in Kfar Kanna where Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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