All Israel
news brief

Israel Police warns of manpower shortage ahead of tense Ramadan

Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai warned the Knesset's National Security Committee on Wednesday that the force is facing a severe shortage of officers. 

An increasingly tense situation prevails ahead of Ramadan, as police are also dealing with a rise in terror attacks, an increase in murders and widespread protests against judicial reforms. 

Shabtai requested a pay raise for police officers and improved working conditions in order to help with recruitment. The police chief also noted the force needs an additional 500 officers in Jerusalem alone.

The police have been working to install more cameras and sensors to help predict, identify and quickly respond to security incidents, but Shabtai stated that manpower is critical.

"We don't have enough police in these places,” he said. 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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