All Israel
news brief

Israeli and Lebanese soldiers reportedly clash at border

Israeli and Lebanese soldiers reportedly clashed over repairs to a border fence earlier today.

The Lebanese soldiers apparently accused the Israeli soldiers of crossing the “Blue Line” between the countries.

A UN peacekeeping force spokesperson told L’Orient Today, "We are aware of tensions along the Blue Line in the area of Aita al-Shaab, where some Israeli maintenance works are ongoing."

The Lebanese army also released a statement saying, "An Israeli enemy patrol breached the Blue Line in Aita al-Shaab [South Lebanon], to a distance of approximately one meter. A Lebanese Army patrol came and forced the enemy patrol to retreat beyond the Blue Line towards Occupied Palestinian Territories. A patrol from the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon [UNIFIL] also attended to check on the breach."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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