All Israel
news brief

Israeli police prevent possible stabbing attack

The Israel Police last night arrested a 13-year-old boy who was carrying a knife after he appeared to be acting suspiciously.

The suspect, who is from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya, was stopped in the Old City and searched after police became suspicious of him. He was found to be carrying a knife, was arrested and taken in for questioning.

Jerusalem's district commander, Superintendent Doron Turgeman, praised the police, saying, "This is another example of the professionalism of the Jerusalem district police officers and Border Police officers working in the city in the ongoing fight against terrorism. The vigilance of the police officers, their quick response and pursuit are what led to the arrest of the suspect who was suspected of planning to carry out an attack with a knife he had in his possession."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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