WATCH: Resurrection Sunday in Jerusalem: From the Holy Sepulchre to the Garden Tomb
A unique celebration of the event that birthed the Christian church
This Sunday, March 31, is Resurrection Sunday on the Western calendar used by the Catholic Church and most Protestant denominations.
It is the most significant day in the Christian calendar, commemorating the day Yeshua (Jesus) rose from the grave, conquering death and guaranteeing eternal life to all who call on His name.
Resurrection Sunday marks the culmination of the Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday, a commemoration of the triumphal arrival of Yeshua to Jerusalem, when crowds of people came to receive Him, crying out, “Hosanna.” The Holy Week also commemorates important events like the Last Supper, the crucifixion on Good Friday, and the solemn observance of Holy Saturday.
In English and Germanic language countries, Resurrection Sunday is also referred to as Easter [Oster in German], a name that comes from a pagan spring celebration of the goddess Eostre (also spelled Eastre), which often coincided with the celebration of Resurrection Sunday on the Western calendar.
In many Latin-based languages, the name for Resurrection Sunday still reflects its connection to the holiday of Passover. In Hebrew, the Passover holiday is called Pesach and in Latin, the name for Resurrection Sunday is Paschae, preserving the original connection between the two holidays.
In Israel, Resurrection Sunday and the entire Easter season are celebrated with a unique blend of traditions and practices that reflect the rich diversity of Christian communities in the Holy Land, from various Catholic denominations, Orthodox denominations, Protestant and Evangelical denominations, and even Messianic Jews. Many Israeli Messianic Jewish congregations commemorate the Resurrection as part of the Passover and First Fruits celebrations.
This is a time of profound spiritual significance, in the country where the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection took place. The holiest of Christian festivals is celebrated with centuries-old ceremonies and traditions meant to re-enact biblical narratives in the believers’ lives.
In Jerusalem, the heart of both Christian and Jewish faiths, Resurrection Sunday is marked with a series of processions and services to retrace the footsteps of Jesus. For many Catholics, the day begins with a solemn procession along the Via Dolorosa, the route that Jesus is believed to have walked on His way to the crucifixion. Pilgrims from around the world gather in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site venerated by Catholics, Orthodox and some Protestants as the location of Jesus' crucifixion, burial and resurrection.
Another site, which has become increasingly popular with many Evangelicals is the Garden Tomb, located just north of the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Each year, the site hosts a traditional sunrise service honoring the Resurrection of Jesus.
While the exact site of Jesus' resurrection is debated, many Evangelicals favor the Garden Tomb for preservingGospel descriptions of Jesus' burial and resurrection in a garden setting
The celebrations in Jerusalem offer a glimpse of different Christian traditions, each with its unique way of observing Resurrection Sunday. It is a time when all believers are reminded, “He is risen, indeed!”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.