Security officials claim Netanyahu trying to blame them for harm to IDF readiness
IDF officials taken aback by attacks against them from coalition members

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tried to shift the blame onto army commanders for the potential harm to the IDF's combat readiness, sources told Israel's Channel 12 news on Monday.
The attacks by coalition members and Netanyahu's son against IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi are reportedly seen as attempts to make him out as the main culprit responsible for harm to the IDF caused by the refusal of reservists, especially Air Force pilots, to continue volunteer duty in protest against the government's judicial reform plans.
Halevi reportedly asked Netanyahu to publicly condemn attacks against the IDF in a statement following a meeting between the two on Sunday but was surprised that the prime minister did not issue such a condemnation.
Against the background of the growing tensions between the government and the IDF's top brass, Halevi was advised to thoroughly document the details of every meeting with government representatives, including the exact hour, place and content of the discussions.
One of the recent attacks against Halevi that garnered a lot of media attention on Monday came from the prime minister's son, Yair Netanyahu.
He shared a long social media post written by Likud party activist Erez Tadmor, in which Tadmor sharply criticized Halevi for not doing enough against threats by reserve soldiers to discontinue their service.
"In the test of history, when the fog clears and the dust settles, you Mr. Halevi will be remembered as the most failed and destructive Chief of Staff in the history of the IDF and the State of Israel," Tadmor wrote.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant responded on Twitter to defend Halevi, calling him a "brave, honest, professional, headed, thorough and considerate commander."
"The people of Israel are lucky that in these complex times, Chief of Staff Halevi is leading the IDF," Gallant added.
Former Defense Minister and National Unity party chairperson, Benny Gantz, also defended Halevi while attacking Yair Netanyahu and coalition members' statements.
"It's not just 'the son of [somebody]' who allows himself to attack people on Twitter, these are ministers in the Israeli government, attacking the security apparatus that they are themselves responsible for," Gantz wrote. "The Prime Minister has the responsibility not to allow attacks against the military."
On Monday evening, Netanyahu put out a statement in an attempt to calm the situation.
"The State of Israel stands before big challenges and as Prime Minister, I am working day and night together with the Defense Minister, the IDF Chief of Staff, and the top brass of the IDF and the other security agencies to ensure the security of the state of Israel in every situation."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.