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Syria's Aleppo Airport closed after alleged Israeli airstrike

A fire at Aleppo International Airport following an alleged Israeli airstrike, Mar. 7, 2023. (Photo: Screenshot/Twitter)

Israeli fighter jets reportedly struck Aleppo International Airport in northern Syria, according to the Syrian state news agency SANA on Tuesday morning. 

While there were no reports of casualties, SANA claimed the airport was shut down because of material damages inflicted by the airstrike. 

SANA reported that “the Israeli enemy carried out an air attack from the Mediterranean [Sea] … targeting the Aleppo International Airport,” according to a Syrian military source.

Iran’s ayatollah regime has systematically used civilian air traffic as a cover for smuggling weapons into Syria, thereby provoking Israeli air strikes on Syrian airports. The transfer of Iranian weapons to Syria is a crucial component of Iran’s efforts to entrench itself in Syria as part of its hegemonic ambitions. 

Following the alleged strike on the airport, the Syrian regime announced it would reroute international earthquake aid through another airport. 

Consistent with its policy, Israel neither confirmed nor denied that it carried out the airstrike.

While Israel rarely comments on its military operations in Syria, senior Israeli officials have said that the Israeli Air Force has struck hundreds of Iranian and Iran-affiliated military targets in Syria and beyond and is committed to preventing Iran from establishing a military front on Israel’s northern border. 

Iran’s weapons-smuggling network also extends into Lebanon, which is dominated by the Iranian-proxy terrorist group Hezbollah. In December, Israel warned the Lebanese government that it could strike Beirut Airport if it were used as a transit point for Iranian arms shipments. 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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