ALL ISRAEL NEWS editor sits down with Boone at the Honoring Israel Breakfast at the NRB Convention in Dallas
ALL ISRAEL NEWS editor sits down with Boone at the Honoring Israel Breakfast at the NRB Convention in Dallas
Poll has Israelis wondering how this will impact future support of Israel – and what can be done to reverse the trend
Dr. Hormoz Shariat tells ALL ARAB NEWS that new Iranian president was handpicked by Supreme Leader in order to quash opposition, but Iranians are hungrier for the Gospel than he has ever seen
As Israel faces increasing threats and dangers, one pastor says “there is a deep meaning to standing for unity and praying for the safety of the people”
In an attempt to counter vitriolic statements made by one leading Evangelical against Bennett, the support pouring in for new Israeli government from Christians worldwide could be unprecedented
Lapid meets with top Christian leaders and discusses Evangelicals in first meeting at Foreign Ministry, while dozens of additional Christian leaders send letters of support to new Israeli government
Author writes that Evangelical support for Israel dates back centuries – and will not soon wither away. On the contrary, it is growing.
Here is the full text of the letter sent to Netanyahu by Dr. Jürgen Bühler, president of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Here are the latest statements by Amb. Nikki Haley, Pastor John Hagee, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rev. Johnnie Moore, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Pastor Skip Heitzig, Dr. Jürgen Bühler, Kay Arthur, Michael Little and Tony Perkins
ALL ISRAEL NEWS editor says Evangelicals love Netanyahu but will stay united in support of Israel and Jewish people regardless of who is in power