Israel not interested in escalation, but says will not allow attacks to go unanswered
Israel not interested in escalation, but says will not allow attacks to go unanswered
Is a Third Lebanon War about to erupt? Please pray for calm on the Israeli-Lebanon border.
Washington Institute fellow says Hezbollah prefers to rule over a failed state, recommends U.S., EU sanction corrupt Lebanese leaders
Ever since his May 25 speech threatening Israel’s destruction, rumors have run rampant about the state of the Hezbollah leader’s health – and even of his death. None have been confirmed.
Hamas doubles down, Hezbollah weighs in: Violations at al-Aqsa could trigger regional war
Three rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon on Thursday amid barrages from Gaza
Fearing for his safety, a Lebanese Evangelical Christian leader asked ALL ARAB NEWS to publish this column urgently – but anonymously
Netanyahu canceled four visits to the UAE to discuss peace, yet Rivlin went to Germany, Austria and France because war may be coming – that tells us something important