Masih Alinejad, the target of an Iranian kidnapping plot last year, calls on U.S. to take ‘serious action’ against Tehran’s terror regime
Masih Alinejad, the target of an Iranian kidnapping plot last year, calls on U.S. to take ‘serious action’ against Tehran’s terror regime
Detention, torture, forced early marriage are some of the atrocities in new report detailing the Taliban’s ‘suffocating crackdown’ on women and girls
UN Ambassador: The authors "cynically and falsely use the term apartheid," and nullify status of Arab citizens of Israel
Also, new mutations, no masks, all kids back in school and 18 million more vaccines – what happened last week in the Vacci-Nation
Chief Justice writes: 'Even in a pandemic, human rights and civil rights cannot be pushed underground'
One of first municipalities to issue the threat to those who don't have proof of vaccine certificate or a negative COVID test every three days
Israeli human rights lawyer warns other countries: “Pay close attention to what is going on in Israel because you’re next”
Israeli health officials have said that individuals who seek to forge green passports risk facing jail time