Calling for a “change government,” Lapid wins support of five Arab Knesset members – says he is ready to let Naftali Bennett serve first as prime minister – but sources tell ALL ISRAEL NEWS the deal is “not yet” done
Calling for a “change government,” Lapid wins support of five Arab Knesset members – says he is ready to let Naftali Bennett serve first as prime minister – but sources tell ALL ISRAEL NEWS the deal is “not yet” done
Evangelicals worldwide stunned as Netanyahu fails to form a government. All eyes turn to two Israeli leaders that most Christians have never heard of
Yair Lapid vows: “I will continue to fight for Israeli recognition of the Armenian Genocide”
Former Israeli deputy national security advisor tells ALL ISRAEL NEWS it’s time for Netanyahu to go, but worries “very much” that neither Bennett nor Lapid are ready
The clock is ticking and it seems Netanyahu's potential political partners are at an impasse
Meanwhile, Gantz warns parties against falling for Netanyahu's behind-the-scenes maneuvering
Three party leaders from the “change bloc” in talks to form a temporary coalition of national healing
In interview with ALL ISRAEL NEWS, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum urges like-minded Knesset members to unify behind Netanyahu rather than force country to 5th round of elections
The opposition leader is on track to win 17 or 18 seats – the largest faction after Netanyahu's Likud – but can he translate that into becoming prime minister? It's not going to be easy