All Israel
Terror Attack

3 police officers killed in shooting attack near Hebron on Sunday morning; Palestinian gunman killed in Hebron

Judea and Samaria officials decry rising terror attacks, call for government to ‘cleanse terror nests’

Israeli security forces stand guard at the scene of a shooting attack, near Tarqumiyah, in th West Bank Sept. 1, 2024. Photo by Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90

Three police officers were killed on Sunday morning in a shooting attack on Route 35, near the Tarqumiya Checkpoint near Hebron. The shooting attack took place at the entrance to Idna, in Judea and Samaria (West Bank).

The police officers, a male and female in their 30s and another male in his 50s were critically wounded when shots were fired at the vehicle they were traveling in.

The two police officers were initially reported in critical condition, and the 50-year-old officer was in serious condition when Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulance services arrived.

The vehicle used by the terrorists was abandoned not far from the scene. IDF and security personnel are currently searching the area. 

EMS personnel later pronounced the policewoman dead after attempts to resuscitate her failed while waiting for a medical helicopter. The 30-year-old officer was declared dead while being evacuated by helicopter, The 50-year-old officer, who was evacuated to Soroka Hospital, was pronounced dead upon arrival. 

MDA emergency medic Tzuriel Edri and paramedic David Dahan arrived first at the scene and provided a witness account.

“This was a very serious attack; we saw a vehicle with bullet marks on a mound on the side of the road. Three passengers, two men and a woman were rescued from the vehicle. A 30-year-old man and woman were unconscious with gunshot wounds to their bodies, they had no pulse and no breathing, we fought for their lives and performed CPR, and minutes later, with the help of an IDF medical force, we had to pronounce the 30-year-old woman dead," he told Israel Hayom.

“A 50-year-old man who was also unconscious suffered gunshot wounds, we gave him medical treatment and evacuated him to the helipad where an MDA helicopter was waiting and took him to Soroka Hospital in critical condition while performing CPR. The third man, about 30 years old, was evacuated to the landing strip and unfortunately, he was pronounced dead there.” 

Israel Police later named the three police officers as Ch. Insp. Arik Ben Eliyahu, Command Sgt. Maj. Hadas Branch, and First Sgt. Roni Shakuri.

Shakuri's daughter, Mor Shakuri, was also a police officer. She was killed during the violent hours-long battle against Hamas terrorists trying to take over the Sderot police station on October 7. The station was destroyed in the conflict.

Mount Hebron Council head Eliram Azoulay stated: “Once again we woke up to a difficult morning of a bloody attack north of Tarqumiya. We are also at war in Judea and Samaria, and the Israeli government must act with the same determination and strength against terrorism in Judea and Samaria as it does in Gaza. I ask to share in the grief of the families of the murdered.” 

The Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council issued a statement in response to the shooting attack.

“The serious attack this morning in Tarqumiya is further evidence of the severe escalation taking place in Judea and Samaria. We reiterate that the campaign against Israel in Judea and Samaria is Iranian and must be treated as such. A war is raging in Judea and Samaria. The Israeli government and the IDF must act accordingly: the complete destruction of the terror infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. The law of Judea and Samaria is the law of Gaza!” 

Gush Etzion Council head Yaron Rosenthal said, “Unfortunately, this morning as well, we are experiencing a serious attack on a vehicle in the Tarqumiya area, which joins the car bombs on Saturday and the IED detonated last week in eastern Gush Etzion. We must embark on an operation to cleanse the nests of terror in the Hebron governorate and the surrounding area. Terrorism must not raise its head.” 

The Palestinian gunman who opened fire on the car carrying the three officers fled on foot. IDF soldiers traced him to Hebron, surrounding the building where he was hiding.

After applying a tactic known as the "pressure cooker", which involves intensifying fire at the building in an attempt to drive the target out, the gunman was killed. IDF soldiers reported finding an M-16 rifle with the body of the terrorist.

The IDF released a statement identifying the shooter.

"The terrorist eliminated was Muhannad Al-Easud, a 31-year-old from Idhna, identified with Fatah and formerly served in the Palestinian Presidential Guard of the Palestinian National Security Forces."

The attackers in Saturday's car bombing attempt were also from Hebron.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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