ALL ISRAEL NEWS names fabulous new book by Shannon Bream our top pick for April
Watch my interview with Shannon about ‘The Love Stories of the Bible Speak’ on THE ROSENBERG REPORT

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – Two years ago this month, ALL ISRAEL NEWS launched our Book Club.
Our first recommendation was Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream.
Shannon is a devout Evangelical Christian, a graduate of Liberty University (where she met her husband, Sheldon), a lawyer and the senior legal correspondent for Fox News, covering the Supreme Court.
Her book was beautifully researched and written, as Shannon examined the lives and lessons for today of 16 women in the scriptures, many of whom get very little attention or study in our modern world.
I loved it and said so – but I was blown away by how many others fell in love with it.
Released amidst COVID lockdowns, sickness, death, depression and loneliness, the book struck a chord with the American people.
It became a monster success, hitting #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
Shannon followed it up with The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak, which I also loved and named our Book Club recommendation last April.
Since then, Shannon was promoted to anchor of Fox News Sunday, becoming the first woman to hold that coveted position in the 27 years the show has been on the air.
Now, she has just released her third in her trilogy – The Love Stories of the Bible Speak: Biblical Lessons on Romance, Friendship, and Faith.

This one just might be her best yet.
She sent Lynn and me an advance copy several weeks ago. We began reading it together and are absolutely loving it.
In fact, we can’t think of any other book quite like it.
Shannon looks at the most interesting, complicated and, at times, messy romantic relationships in the Bible, drawing out ancient, godly lessons for our modern, challenging lives.
But she doesn’t stop there.
She also examines some of the most intriguing, complicated and encouraging friendships in the Bible.
Given how much pressure friendships are under in our times – and the fact that so few people, especially men, say they truly have deep and rewarding friends that they feel they can count on – this book is not just incredibly well written; it’s also very timely.
Here’s the line up of relationships that Shannon examines.
Song of Solomon
Samson and Delilah
Adam and Eve
Joseph and Mary
Esther and Xerxes
Ruth and Boaz
David and Abigail
David and Jonathan
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
The Friendships of Paul
Job and His Friends
Jesus and John
God’s Unconditional Love For Us
I can’t recommend Love Stories of the Bible Speaks highly enough, and I encourage you not only to read it with your spouse, but also to give copies to your teenagers and 20-somethings as a way of encouraging them to develop a healthy, balanced and biblical view of love, romance, and companionship.
The interview with Shannon first aired on THE ROSENBERG REPORT on Thursday evening.
The program will re-air Saturday evening at 9:30 pm eastern.
We discussed her new book, her deep faith in Jesus Christ, her own love story with her husband, and how the Bible has helped her and Sheldon navigate some of the most darkest and most painful times in their lives.
I also put the Fox News anchor on the hot seat about a critically important question that she doesn’t deal with in the book.

Joel C. Rosenberg is the editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS and ALL ARAB NEWS and the President and CEO of Near East Media. A New York Times best-selling author, Middle East analyst, and Evangelical leader, he lives in Jerusalem with his wife and sons.