On THE ROSENBERG REPORT: Is President Biden utilizing every available resource to set Israeli hostages free?
Are governments and military efforts sufficient in this battle? Watch Joel Rosenberg’s spiritual analysis of the hostages’ plight

This week marks a grim milestone for 134 Israeli hostages who were abducted by Hamas terrorists into Gaza on Oct. 7, as their period of captivity has surpassed five months. Time is running out for them and according to Israel Defense Forces, 33 of them are no longer alive.
In this week’s episode, of THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg breaks down the high stakes in Israel’s most pressing internal debate throughout the war. Should the release of hostages be prioritized over the military objective of defeating Hamas?

The Israeli government has considered the two objectives of the war as mutually compatible, and not mutually exclusive. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of Israel's War Cabinet believe that the harder Israel hits Hamas on the ground, the higher the chances of reaching an internationally mediated deal that will see the release of the remaining hostages.
However, not everyone in the country concurs.
Some Israelis want to see a hostage release deal, no matter the costs.
What does Rosenberg think that Israel should do?
Can the complex situation be resolved through diplomatic negotiations and military action?

“I believe – and my colleagues here at ALL ISRAEL NEWS, we believe – that ultimately this is a spiritual battle,” says Rosenberg. He urges Evangelical Christians to join a prayer call to break the bonds of Hamas captivity and unite in praying the scripture, Isaiah 61:1-2.

“Accepting Jesus as Messiah is how people are set free from spiritual captivity,” he explains.
What stands behind the ALL ISRAEL NEWS #SetTheCaptivesFree campaign?

Has Biden done enough – using all the means at his disposal – to put pressure on the Hamas terrorist organization to release them?
What mistakes has the U.S. president made during the war and what does he deserve credit for?

Don’t miss tonight’s episode with Rosenberg's analysis.
THE ROSENBERG REPORT airs Thursday nights at 9 p.m. EST and Saturday nights at 9:30 p.m. EST – on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the most-watched Christian television network in the United States.
Episodes can also be seen on https://rosenbergreport.tv/.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.