All Israel

Two Israeli soldiers killed in terror car ramming near Nablus

Deadly attack comes amid recent uptick in terror activity in Judea and Samaria

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi at the scene of the ramming attack near Nablus in Samaria, where 2 Israeli soldiers in the Kfir Brigade were killed, May 29, 2024 (Photo: Screenshot/ IDF)

Two soldiers from Israel Defense Forces were grievously wounded and later died after a Palestinian terrorist rammed them with his vehicle near Nablus in the West Bank on Wednesday evening.

The two soldiers were identified as Staff Sgt. Eliya Hilel (20) from Tel Zion, and Staff Sgt. Diego Shvisha Harsaj (20) from Tel Aviv. They served together in the Kfir Brigade’s Nahshon Battalion, which was manning one of the checkpoints at the entrance to Nablus.

Staff Sergeants Hilel and Harsaj were checking another vehicle when the terrorist accelerated his minivan and ran them over before fleeing into Nablus.

The terrorist later turned himself in to Palestinian security forces who had not yet transferred him to Israel, Army Radio reported.

Hilel and Harsaj were evacuated to a hospital in critical condition but were later pronounced dead.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi arrived at the scene of the attack last night and held a situational assessment with high-ranking IDF commanders.

The deadly attack comes amid a recent uptick in terror activity in Judea and Samaria, internationally known as the West Bank.

Following Wednesday’s shooting at the Israeli village of Bat Hefer, the IDF increased its activity in the Tulkarm area and increased the checkpoints around the city. The IDF estimates that the terrorists, who haven’t been caught yet, came from the nearby refugee camp.

On Wednesday, the head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, lamented the deteriorating security situation in Judea and Samaria, criticizing security forces for allowing the terrorists to escape into Palestinian territory “unhindered.”

“I again call on the government to continue with full force in carrying out offensive operations in villages to locate terrorists and gather weapons,” stated.

Israeli forces have arrested some 4,000 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank since the Hamas terror attack on Israel's southern border communities, including over 1,700 who are affiliated with Hamas.

The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry says more than 510 Palestinians have been killed since Oct. 7.
The IDF stated that the majority of the killed were shot during anti-terror raids.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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