All Israel

Palestinian stabs two Israeli soldiers near Nablus

The soldiers were lightly injured, the terrorist – shot at the scene – is in critical condition

(Photo: Screenshot of video footage of the attack)

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed two Israeli Border Police officers on Friday afternoon in the village of Huwara in Samaria, lightly injuring both officers before being shot and apprehended at the scene. 

The assailant is in critical condition, according to the Border Police. 

An initial investigation indicates that a group of Palestinians approached Israeli Border Police who were responding to an incident in which the suspect had tried to enter a car with two Israelis inside, including an Israeli Defense Forces officer.

Failing to open the vehicle, because the doors were locked, the terrorist tried to break the car’s windows. The IDF officer fired a warning shot into the air and Border Police were called to the scene. 

It reportedly was this suspect who then took out a knife and started stabbing one of the responding police officers. Footage of the attack shows the terrorist struggling to steal the officer’s weapon and stabbing him. 

Dropping his weapon in the struggle, the officer took his handgun from its holster and shot the terrorist. 

The attack comes a day after Palestinian gunmen opened fire on a bus driving on the Route 60 highway to the city of Ariel, just southwest of Huwara. The bus was struck by the bullets but reportedly empty of passengers. 

Violent clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinians have been on the rise since the IDF launched the “Break the Wave” counterterrorism operation earlier this year. 

The Israeli military reported thwarting some 500 terrorist attacks throughout 2022, citing intelligence assessments.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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