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Washington says Israel has freedom of action against Iranian threat

Illustrative - Fateh-110, Iranian ballistic surface-to-surface missile (Photo: Hossein Velayati/Wikimedia Commons)

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan recently clarified that the U.S. Biden administration gives Israel freedom of action against the Iranian nuclear threat. 

The Biden administration previously stated it prefers a diplomatic solution to the Iranian threat. However, at the same time, Sullivan repeated Biden’s pledge that the ayatollah regime will not be permitted to acquire a nuclear bomb.

“We have made clear to Iran that it can never be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon,” said Sullivan on Thursday during an address to the Washington Institute, a think tank located in the U.S. capital. 

“As President (Joe) Biden has repeatedly reaffirmed, he will take the actions necessary to stand by his statement, including by recognizing Israel’s freedom of action,” stressed the senior U.S. security official. 

While the Biden administration has been highly reluctant to use military force against Iran, Sullivan’s comments indicate that Washington is not ruling out a potential Israeli military strike against Iran if diplomacy fails to prevent Tehran’s race toward the nuclear bomb. 

“This is an issue that occupies the president’s attention, my attention, on a daily basis,” reassured Sullivan.

“Iran’s program has advanced considerably. It is a genuine danger to regional security and to global security, and to the United States of America. And we are going to continue to take action to, yes, deter Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and then to seek a diplomatic solution that puts this on a long-term pathway of stability,” said the senior Biden security official. 

“The best way to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon is an effective agreement,” concluded Sullivan. 

While the Biden administration clearly prefers a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis, it is keeping a potential military solution on the table. By giving the green light for a potential Israeli military strike against Iran’s nuclear sites, Washington is signaling to the ayatollah regime that it will pay a high price if it fails to reach a diplomatic agreement with the international community. 

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant recently warned that the Iranian regime has enriched a sufficient amount of material for five nuclear bombs.

"Make no mistake – Iran will not be satisfied by a single nuclear bomb. So far, Iran has gained material enriched to 20% and 60% for five nuclear bombs," said Gallant.

Gallant stressed that the Jewish state would use all assets at its disposal to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons capability. 

“Israel will use all means at its disposal to prevent a nuclear Iran, and the same is expected from the international community," vowed Gallant. 

Sullivan arrived in Saudi Arabia on Saturday in an effort by Washington to mend its frosty diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia, which has traditionally been one of Washington’s most important allies in the Middle East region. However, the Biden administration has blasted Saudi Arabia for its autocratic rule and severe human rights violations. In recent months, the Saudis have consequently signaled their readiness to form alliances with Russia and China if Washington does not soften its policy toward Saudi Arabia. 

At the same time, relations between Washington and Jerusalem have deteriorated amid the ongoing controversial judicial overhaul plans in Israel. 

Former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror recently warned in an interview on The Tikvah Podcast that the strained relations between the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government are making Iran stronger in the already combustible Middle East region. 

“Of course, the fact that the leader of Israel hasn't been invited by the White House by now [shows that] the Americans decided to take a side in the domestic crisis in Israel. This also influenced countries in the Middle East. They say if America is not going side by side with Israel, then what can we, the Arab countries, say about our relations with America? How can America be trusted in this situation? Everything is connected. It's weakening the position of America. It's making Iran stronger,” said Amidror. 

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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