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'We achieved all of the goals that we set for the visit and more,' says Bennett while leaving Washington

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on his way back to Israel after visiting US President Joe Biden in Washington, DC, Aug. 28, 2021 (Photo: Avi Ohayon/GPO)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had a 50-minute meeting Friday morning with U.S. President Joe Biden at the Oval Office in Washington, DC.

The meeting marked Bennett's first major diplomatic trip.

Upon return to Israel, Bennett released the following statement through the Government Press Office:

"We will take off immediately following a successful visit to Washington, the culmination of which was a meeting with President Biden.

The meeting was very warm and very productive. President Biden and I created a direct and personal connection between us that is based on trust.

We achieved all of the goals that we set for the visit and more. We have agreed with the Americans on a joint working strategy to block the Iranian race for nuclear weapons. We took a significant step in equipping and building the Israeli force.

We also made progress on an issue that concerns many Israelis: The visa exemption for entry to the US. As you have heard, President Biden – for the first time – instructed that progress be made and that the matter be closed as quickly as possible.

I would like to thank President Biden for the very warm welcome and now we need to go home.

Regarding Gaza, overnight the IDF attacked in Gaza in response to the sending of the balloons. As I have already said, we will act in Gaza according to our interests. As far as I am concerned, the address has been, and will be, Hamas."

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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