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White House condemns pro-terrorist rhetoric of anti-Israel protesters in DC

Pro-Palestinian protesters gather outside of the White House in Washington, D.C., on June 8, 2024. (Photo: Aashish Kiphayet/NurPhoto)

One day after anti-Israel protesters in Washington, D.C. praised the Iranian-supported terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, the Biden administration condemned the message of the pro-terrorist protesters as “repugnant” and “dangerous.”

Speaking to The Times of Israel, White House Deputy Spokesperson Andrew Bates said that President Joe Biden unequivocally opposes the calls for violence by protesters.

“President Biden has always been clear that every American has the right to peacefully express their views,” he said. “But he has also always been clear that antisemitism, violent rhetoric, and endorsing murderous terrorist organizations like Hamas is repugnant, dangerous and against everything we stand for as a country.”

In addition to urging Biden to end his support for Israel, some of Saturday’s protesters chanted: “Al-Qassam, make us proud! Kill another soldier now! Hezbollah, Hezbollah! Kill another Zionist now!”

The masked demonstrators also carried a banner calling for “jihad” and “martyrdom.”

Another protester was reported as stating: “October 7th was a brilliant break into Israel, to resist and overthrow the oppression. And that’s what Hamas is doing.”

After condemning the protesters for supporting terrorism and advocating violence, Bates went on to quote U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who said, “The best way to end this war is for Hamas to say yes to the deal [the] president announced and that Israel has accepted, which lays out a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire and the return of all hostages.”

As ALL ISRAEL NEWS previously reported, the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza revealed a division within the U.S. Democratic Party, with many Democrats vocally condemning Biden’s support of Israel during the war.

Anti-Zionist sentiments within segments of the Democratic Party could undermine Biden’s chances at re-election in November, as significant numbers of Democratic voters said they would not vote for Biden because of his stance on Israel.

While most Arab and Muslim voters supported Biden in the 2020 election, a recent New York Times/Sienna College poll in swing states revealed that the voter situation has dramatically reversed.

The poll indicated that 56% of Muslim and Arab voters supported Biden in 2020, and just 35% supported Trump.

As of about a month ago, however, the numbers have flipped, with 57% of Muslim and Arab voters in swing states indicating they will support Trump in 2024, and Biden only receiving 25% support.

The New York Times said that among the Arab and Muslim voters who said they would not vote for Biden, “around 70 percent cited foreign policy or the war in Gaza” as the reason.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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