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Islamic conquest of America begins with Paterson, NJ

Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh speaks at the Hilal Lighting Ceremony marking the start of Ramadan, February 28, 2025. (Photo: Screenshot/Instagram)

Conquest has always been the aspiration of Islam, as far back as the 7th century, when it’s founder, Muhammad helped it to spread throughout the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, enabling Muslim rule and dominance. The idea was to control vast swaths of land in order to build a great empire which would rise above all others. 

But, apart from the seizure of territory was the goal to convert all people to the religion, an effort which could be done more easily by forcing local populations to comply with the teachings, culture and mindset that was being promoted once their land was inundated by these successors of Muhammad.

And while all this was contained to a period of history, centuries ago, it seems that a re-emergence is now taking place, aided by Muslim migration, which not only made its way throughout Europe and other continents, but also to the U.S.

Unlike previous generations who came to America, this ilk has not rushed to learn the language, culture and customs of their new host country to whom one would expect their allegiance. On the contrary, great pains have been taken to import their own lifestyle, mode of dress, holiday celebration and continuation of the patriotic fervor and loyalties for their countries of origin, along with the religious practice that was prevalent there.

So, if you expect to see the red, white and blue, waving, in all its glory, don’t look for that sight in Paterson, N.J., where its mayor, Andre Sayegh has now “declared his town to be the capital of Palestine in the U.S.”

The absurdity of such an audacious declaration immediately sends you to do a Google search on this mayor, in order to get more information. What we learn is that he is the product of a Syrian mother and a Lebanese father. His Indonesian wife has Yemenite ancestry. But given his Catholic upbringing, why would he choose to align with a community that seeks to separate itself from the American traditions that made the country a strong and vibrant bastion of freedom and good will?

The 50-year-old mayor, elected in 2018, seems exuberant over the celebration of Islamic culture, celebrated by his estimated 20-30,000 Muslim residents. He is apparently not bothered by their anti-Israel marches, as they don the traditional checkered keffiyeh, while hoisting enormous Palestinian flags throughout the city with the highest concentration of Palestinians in the entire country.  

But is Sayegh supportive of his Arab community, simply due to his own background or is there more to it? Although he ran on a platform to unite his city, one has to wonder how that has gone over with any residents whose loyalties are still with the country that is described by some Muslims who categorize America as a nation which “is openly supportive of apartheid and ethnic cleansing.”

What must Paterson’s Israel-loving, bible believing Christian residents think when they see Palestinian symbols strategically placed in their American community, making them feel more as if they’ve been transposed to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait? And what about the heavily Jewish population of Fairlawn, just over the bridge separating the two towns? Is the Islamic takeover of their neighboring city a point of concern for them, knowing that they are just a stone’s throw away from a community who hates them?

Sayegh must know what kind of shock value there is in his statement which essentially bears the same conquering spirit that gave way to the spread of Islam in the 7th century. This comes at a time when college campuses are also being taken over as untamed and unfettered Hamas sympathizers feel emboldened to challenge timid university administrations who hope to quell the unrest by meeting their demands.

In his desire to court his large constituency, Andre Sayegh is contributing to the overwhelming sense that the sovereignty of America, along with its culture, diversity of thought, religion and expression is being hijacked by Muslim migrants who have no desire to embrace the way of life which characterizes the land of the free and the home of the brave.   

By identifying his city as the capital of Palestine in the U.S., Sayegh has chosen to champion a cause and a people which now sides with the implementation of terror in order to further their goals of dominance and conquest, the elements they lost when the world became more enlightened, understanding that pluralism, tolerance and mutual respect was the best way to preserve democratic values, justice and a peaceful society.

Today’s version of Islam, employed by extremists, is one which is at complete odds with Western culture and sensitivities. It seeks to remove patriotic symbols from the population which has welcomed them into their communities. Instead of thanking them, by endeavoring to fit into the way of life that is revered by others, their contempt for American history, past and present, is unashamedly on view for all to see.

Rather than unite, it divides, and if Sayegh has not yet been called out for the discord which he is now promoting, by replacing the origins of his city, established in 1791 by Statesman and signer of the Constitution, William Paterson, with the red, green, black and white flag that elicits fear, due to the hatred it represents, then Sayegh should not be surprised when he gets blowback.

Because it’s hard to believe that American citizens will not see his declaration as a threatening and unwelcomed action to the nearly 250 years of American existence, representing the warm embrace of all ethnicities, religions, political viewpoints and more for disheartened souls who arrived on its shores in search of a better life with greater opportunity.

This is the antithesis to the narrow-minded viewpoint espoused by today’s radical Muslims who see the American Jewish community as somehow an extension of the State of Israel, blaming them for policies of which they have no association. But we all know that this is just a convenient excuse for them to spew their disdain for Jewish people as well as Western culture.

This is with what the Paterson mayor has chosen to be aligned. Willing to sell out the American dream, way of life and values which made it great, he may yet discover that his betrayal will not go over well, because America the beautiful does not share its glory with any other, certainly not those who hate her! 

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal who made Aliyah in 1993 and became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband. She is the author of Mistake-Proof Parenting, based on the principles from the book of Proverbs - available on Amazon.

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