King of the Jews

Despite all the unfortunate controversy, the whole world of all cultures and faiths know that a person named Jesus/Yeshua (in whatever language He is honored) was born, even if only as a myth. To most people in the world He is famous, but not revered. He is just another important “holy” figure in human history of great influence, and revered by many, but not all, of those even called Christian or Messianic.
Many Christians, even true believers both Gentile and Jewish, have enabled much of the confusion and controversies surrounding the meaning of His birth, and more recently regarding the timing of His coming into the world. There are those who do not even celebrate arguably the most amazing prophetic fulfillment in history, but rather argue about it. (I was once one of those, but the Holy Spirit wisely and gently let me know that I was (literally!) throwing the baby out with the bath water. Praise God for His fatherly corrections! The glory of the true Light so outshines that of any lesser light(s) that He renders them as if they had no glory. (2Cor 3:7-12; Maccabees/Hanukkah)
We are at a time in history when the name and memory of the one true God – YHVH (however His Name is properly pronounced) – is being forgotten and unmentioned. Yet, there are those who are using His “memorial name forever” to make the statement that He does have a name! But, even here, there is not agreement on how to speak it, and not all may know that the same living God is being spoken of. He is the Creator and Maker of the heavens and the Earth, the seas – and all that is in them. He is God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob/Israel. He is the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah; and is the One who came in flesh and blood in the person of His Son. (Gen 2:4; Ex 20:11; Ps 146:5-10; Rev 10:5-7; Ex 3:13-15; Dt 6:1-25; Lk 1:67-75)
When the chosen people, the Jews, do not know or pronounce the LORD’s/YHVH’s name, and when Talmudic Judaism wants to blot out Yeshua’s name and memory (“Yeshu”), is it any wonder that the Muslims as a people in the flesh of their faith want to blot out the name and memory of Israel? (Sin separates us from God, which only returning to Him through His Son, and His sacrificial death on the cross, can reconcile.) (Ps 83; Ezek 35; Obadiah; Is 59:1-2) Without our God and His Anointed One/Messiah/Christ, who has put His name upon us and by Whom we are identified, we are no special people, and will not exist! (Num 6:22-27; Acts 11:25-26; 2Cor 13:14) Praise and glory to Him!
Every year He brings to remembrance that He intervened once again in human affairs to cause a birthday celebration of universal impact, shaking the heavens and the Earth (Hag 2:18-23): the unique Son of the Living God was born in humble and poor obscurity, as a Son of Adam (human being), and the Son of David (of the tribe of Judah, son of Jacob), in Bethlehem Ephrata in Judah, in the land of Israel – all according to the prophetic Scriptures of the Tanach (Old Testament). (Gen 3:14-15; 2Sam 7:12-16; Gen 49:8-12; Mic 5:2; Mt 2:3-6, 19-23) Some of this is uncomfortable, but irrefutable, for those who want to erase and revise history.
His Name, given by the Father for His beloved and first-born Son, is Yeshua, for He will save His people from their sins! (Mt 1:20-23) Thank-you, God our Father! YHVH God came down from Heaven to take on flesh and blood, in order to be our Redeemer and Savior, through His suffering and death on the cross (which God as spirit, or as an angel, cannot do), shedding the blood of a new and better everlasting covenant: our sins are forgiven, and remembered no more! (Jer 31: 31-37; Heb 8:6-12; Mt 26:26-29)
Yeshua’s Conception, Birth, and Life
Lk 1:26-33; Mt 2:1-6; Num 24:12-19 There were prophecies about a specific Ruler and King coming out from among the Israeli Jewish people for about 1400 years before the Messiah was born, at the time just before the Israelis entered the Land of Canaan after their 40-year sojourn in the desert after their deliverance from Egypt and crossing the parted Reed Sea. Balaam, a false prophet, truly prophesied about this to Balak, the Midian King. Israel’s future is good with a King among them; the enemies of Israel’s future is not. The “magi” from the East saw the star that for them was the sign that the King of the Jews was born in Israel, and they came to Jerusalem to inquire where He was.
This quiet event took place out of the public limelight in Bethlehem – a small town in Judea, where King David was also born — and only some shepherds in the field were told at night by the heavenly choir of the great thing which took place that day in the life of Joseph and Mary, and with great expectation for the entire nation and the world.
Is 9:6-7; 2Pt 1:19-21 The prophet Isaiah, moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke about a child born to Israel, and a Son given, who would be the King of Israel sitting on the throne of David. The boy that was born to be the King of the Jews was a unique child born to the virgin Mary, of the tribe of Judah, as was Joseph; but He was also the beloved Son of God sent by God His Father, given to be the Savior of all people from their sins, especially to those who believe. The government is on His shoulder; He alone is capable; and His Kingdom will only increase, and never end. The Kingdom expands for now through the preaching of the gospel – not by force of arms or coercion – and His reign will bring YHVH God’s righteousness and peace to the world that He created and made to be filled with His glory as the waters cover the seas! Wars will cease, and learned no more! (Is 2:1-5; Ezek 39:1-10; Mic 4:1-4; Ps 46:4-11)
The time for wars to cease has not yet come. (Ps 110:1; Acts 1:4-11; Mt 24:32-47) Yeshua has told us that there will be wars and rumors of wars until the end, until He comes again. There is still a need, therefore, for Israel as a nation to do its best to defend itself from its many enemies, just as it is for other nations to do the same in defense of their countries. None of these wars will bring lasting peace, for man cannot defeat evil completely.
Any attempt to stop wars and make peace without the return of the Lord will fail – whether with good will or ill. It is a spiritual war of God against the deep depths of Satan and sin in the fallen state of men to naturally oppose the righteousness and holiness of the true God, and of His truth and love. But in the coming day of YHVH – after the great tribulation/Jacob’s trouble — Jesus/Yeshua will also physically defeat all those who oppose Him, and put the devil away with all his evil deceptive ways and works.
Yeshua’s Death
Despite the unbelief and rejection by most of His own nation, and by the Gentile rulers, this did not prevent God or His Son from fulfilling the prophecy which to the betrayers was a deserved punishment, but to God the victory by which He would save those who repent and believe, and defeat the Devil, sin, and death! God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Is 9:6), that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but inherit eternal life. In weakness, Jesus defeated the powers of darkness. The weakness of God is stronger than men. (1Cor 1:20-25; 2Cor 13:4-6)
By the terrible rejection of YHVH to be their King, the Jewish people also refuse [till now, until!…] Yeshua/Jesus from ruling over them as the rightful heir to the Throne of David, according to God’s covenant with David. (1Sam 8:1-9; Lk 19:11-27; Mic 5:1-5; Mt 23:37-39; Hos 5:15; 6:1-3) In the mysteries of God, it was necessary that His own chosen people would wrongfully see to it that the promised Messiah must suffer and be slain on the cross/tree. (Lk 24:17-32) O, the unsearchable wisdom and judgments of YHVH! He works all things together for good to those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose.
The religious and intellectual leaders of the Israeli Jewish people accused Yeshua of being a Sabbath breaker, a false prophet, and a blasphemer – each of which, under the Law of Moses, was deserving of death. They claimed that He made Himself equal with God by being the Son of God, and condemned Him to death by crucifixion by the hands of the Romans for making Himself a King in opposition to Caesar.
In mockery, although innocent, Pilate had written on a sign, which he put on the cross: “Yeshua the Nazarene, King of the Jews” “ישוע הנצרי מלך היהודים”. (Jn 19:19) Despite the Jewish objection, Pilate told them that what he had written, he had written. And so it is! Jesus, in His death, is the King of the Jews! It does not matter whether the Gentiles or the Jews actually believe it. God’s will and plan is being fulfilled! Neither does it matter if many Christians do not believe that Jesus/Yeshua is still the King of the Jews, and will be their King. YHVH reigns supreme, and is a covenant-keeping God.
Yeshua’s Return and Reign
Even before the conception of Yeshua, the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin Mary that the Son she will conceive and give birth to will be called the Son of the Highest, and will reign on David’s throne. This is the Messiah’s Throne, as King over the House of Jacob – all the tribes of Israel – forever. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David. Jesus will finally be accepted by the Jewish people – those who come through Jacob’s Trouble and call upon His name, the One whom they pierced: BARUCH HA’BA BASHEM YHVH!/BLESSED ARE YOU, ADON (LORD) YESHUA! – and He will also inherit the nations upon whom YHVH has shown mercy. (Ps 2; Zec 12:10-14; 13:1; Jer 30:1-24; 31:1; Mt 24:29-31; Dan 7:11-18; Rev 7; 3:19-22; 20:1-14)
The salvation of the Jewish people and of the nation of Israel will bring blessing to the whole world. (Rom 11:11-36) The Gentiles’ peace and their own inheritance is bound up in YHVH, God of Israel, keeping His covenant promises to Israel for her peace and inheritance. Let us all, as the Bride of the Lamb ever keep the blessed hope of His return in our hearts and on our lips. Yeshua the Messiah is the King of the Jews and also the King of the Gentiles: He is King of kings and Lord of lords! He is the King of the Universe! All praise and glory and worship and thanksgiving be to our God and King forever and ever!
Let us rejoice and celebrate with joy and holiness the birth of the Lord, along with the Father, and with the angels: the King of the Jews at His birth; the King of the Jews in His death on the cross; the King of the Jews in full display after His glorious return — not only of the Jews, but also of all the nations, and of the whole Universe! Come, Lord Jesus!

Howard Bass is the congregation pastor/leader of Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua's Inheritance) in Beer Sheva, Israel.