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Republicans or Democrats? Who would best support Israel?

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential Debate (Photo: Reuters)

The title and writer of the article were all you had to know to get a quick glimpse of what was predictably a partisan, biased, unobjective view of which of the two American parties would best support Israel.

The danger of the Republican Party,” (the newspaper title) written by J Street’s Israel director, Nadav Tamir, can, in no way, be taken as a serious and accurate evaluation either politically or sociologically. 

The advocacy group “J Street,” founded in 2007, describes itself as a pro-Israel and pro-peace organization, but, for anyone who reads their articles, they are nothing more than an opposition voice against the more mainstream Jewish organizations. In a Jerusalem Post article, back in 2021, entitled, “Can J Street stoop any lower in backing anti-Israel views? it was reported that, “they lobbied to restrict US military aid to Israel, moving toward advocacy of a ‘confederated state’ to replace Israel all together.”

This is just one example of their very extreme views, demonstrating that they are, in no way, pro-Israel but rather those advocating for Palestinians whenever possible. It should be noted that they also supported Obama’s Iranian policies which ended in disastrous results, releasing enormous amounts of U.S. money which then went to fund terrorist activities through their proxies, fighting Israel.

That is why it is laughable when Tamir endeavors to make a flimsy case for Democrats being in a much better position to support Israel, should they win the upcoming presidential elections. Claiming that a “Democratic administration is committed to leading the free world, which can be counted on to strengthen alliances with countries in need of America’s support, such an administration will understand the limits of military power…an administration led by Kamala Harris, like the Biden administration before it would invest in diplomacy in the Middle East and try to assist Israel in reaching regional normalization that includes a road map to Palestinian Statehood.”

Translation:  You can count on Kamala Harris, just like Joe Biden, who, through his mouthpiece Secretary of State Antony Blinken, put the clamps on Israel, telling them that their time is up – put down your weapons and commit to a ceasefire immediately!  How do we know this? Because she is already stating that position now, even before she has won the presidency, so why would anything change once she is granted the official power to strongarm Israel?

And here’s the kicker – Tamir is naïve enough to still be pushing a two-state solution, something that Palestinians have made loud and clear is not what they are after. Remember the chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free? That leaves no room for a Jewish state, or did Tamir miss that small detail? 

Has he forgotten the events of October 7th or the aspiration of Hamas to rid the Middle East of its Jewish presence per the Palestinian map, completely taking over the entire territory? Does he honestly believe that savage terrorists, who care nothing for their own people, are committed to sitting at a negotiating table in order to arrive at peaceful diplomatic solutions?

It's honestly hard to understand how anyone could be so deluded, so misguided and so foolish as to believe that those who burned down villages, slaughtered innocent families, whose only crime was being Jewish, and brutally raped and tortured women, just for the sport of it, are partners for anything? These are cold-hearted barbarians who we either kill or end up being killed by them. If faced head-on by a group of them, does Nadav Tamir think that his fate would be any different than the 1200 whose lives they extinguished?

But similar to Kamala Harris, in her recent statements during the debate, which went unchallenged by the moderators, Tamir uses the same debunked claims to make his case as to why Democrats would be more ardent supporters of Israel. 

He uses the Heritage Foundation think-tank’s “Project 2025” policy which he states was prepared for Donald Trump, promoting isolationism and anti-democratic values. Apparently, he has missed the many times that Trump categorically denied being a proponent of the plan which he states he has not even read. 

Tamir goes on to denigrate the MAGA faction, a wide swath of people from every religion, race and orientation but who share the concept of “Make America Great Again.” It’s a well-known and well-used tactic – smear and shame all Republicans who are loyal, patriotic citizens, by calling them racist and all the other terms that end with the word “phobe.” 

Yet, the ineffective slander has no basis in truth for the over 75 million who will likely not vote Democrat in the upcoming elections. Conversely, no one has to denigrate the extreme wing of the progressive movement, housed within the Democratic party, because they are doing a fine job of that all by themselves.

Squad members, presently comprised of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Summer Lee, Greg Casar and Delia Ramirez, although recently having lost Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush, still remain committed to their anti-Israel and anti-Jewish positions, all supporting the many pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campuses and elsewhere, refusing to call out the violence and threats which are often accompanied by these angry protests.

So, although Tamir seems to think that Israel would fare better with Democrats at the helm, he should pay attention to the very worrisome anti-Jewish problem within that party, which doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. 

While the Republican party may have its own concerns, the one thing going for it, as Tamir readily admits, are the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of evangelical supporters, all of whom are devoted to Israel, showing their loyalty and friendship to the Jewish homeland through their faithful tourism, their support of Jewish causes and, most importantly, their prayers for the well-being of our nation. Since those make up a sizeable base of the Republican party, it’s more plausible to believe that they would loudly advocate for Israel to have the ability to annihilate her enemies without being told to stop before the job is done.

A large dose of reality is needed, when it comes to J Street because they are living in a Utopian fantasy where everything gets settled at the negotiating table through the vehicle of diplomacy. If you believe that, try taking a trip to Gaza and see how that works out. Of course, you’ll only need a one-way ticket, because you won’t be coming back any time soon!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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