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There is a price to pay for a terror-free world

(Image: Pew Research Center)

Everyone wants to live without terror, but not everyone is willing to pay the price demanded to assure its end.

In this present-day fight, Israel is the willing warrior nation but one which needs the cooperation and assistance of other countries and leaders who recognize that they only stand to gain from working together to douse the flames of barbarians whose sole objective is to wipe out a large chunk of humanity. While, they likely, but secretly, realize this reality, so many lack the courage and fortitude that must accompany the daring to go to battle against this global scourge.

Amongst those most affected are Saudi Arabia and the UAE, both of whom have refused to open their airspace to Israeli jets for a potential attack on Iran, per the Israel Realtime updates. These two countries have much at stake if Iran were to control the region, since the Sunni and Shia Islamic ideologies are completely at odds with one another. But their pathetic excuse, given for lack of cooperation, has been fear of igniting a regional war and the threatening of their oil facilities.  

Qatar, the state which has sponsored and granted a place of refuge, to many terrorist leaders, has also denied access to Israel’s fighter planes, but no one should see that as a surprise, since they have already chosen sides, supporting those who commit and cheer on heinous atrocities against their fellow man.

Yet, unlike them, Saudi Arabia and the UAE should, indeed, be worried by the prospect of Iranian mullahs getting the upper hand, because such a scenario will overpower them both, making their oil facilities the least of their worries. Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is much stronger than anyone else’s in the region, and the rivalry, between them and other more moderate Arab governments could so easily end bitterly if these nations remain unwilling to pay the price needed to ensure Iran’s utter defeat.

But they are not the only ones whose numerous political and social calculations have caused them to cower, fearing that anything resembling help or support for Israel’s battle might be construed as backing the Jewish nation, at a time when so many are making the case that Israel’s defense of her land and people is built on war crimes of genocide and disproportionality. 

To go against that kind of assertion demands clear moral thinking, the ability to foresee the consequences and, most of all, the courage and conviction of being willing to pay a price which will include being seen as collaborating with Israel, “the enemy.”

Take the case of French president, Emmanuel Macron, who recently came out in favor of an arms embargo against Israel. What does he have to gain by tying the hands of those who are willing to fight brutal terrorists, who are supported by a large number of Muslims residing in his country? Absolutely nothing. In fact, Macron should be petrified of an emboldened Iran, simply because such an ominous trend could easily end up invigorating European terrorist sympathizers who already have a desire to establish Sharia Law in their respective countries.

It is not only France who has a growing Muslim problem but the U.K., Belgium, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands and so many others in that continent. According to the Pew Research Center, “Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe’s population – even with no future migration.”

Within the 28 countries, defined by Pew, as having sizable Muslim populations, “even if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop – a “zero migration” scenario – the Muslim population of Europe still would be expected to rise from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by the year 2050…as they have one child more per woman, on average than other Europeans.”

Oddly enough, despite those populations having left their native Muslim countries for Westernized locales, they have imported, with them, their own brand of laws, dress, customs, mores and sensitivities, which are often at odds with the existing societal norms that have been observed and revered by the citizens of those nations.  One of those major differences is the support for the terrorism which is seeking to eradicate democratically-run governments and the anti-Jewish fervor which has greatly intensified since October 7th.

This means that the leaders of these countries have one of two choices.  They can either placate their Muslim populations, hoping to retain their own power and influence or they can do the right thing and back the fight against terrorism, knowing that nothing good can come from being silent in the face of a growing attraction towards depravity and inhumanity. Surely, they must know that their own longevity and political survival is jeopardized when their belief systems are so diametrically polarized one from the other.

Europe’s Muslim population, the vast majority of whom support Hamas and Hezbollah, will not take up the cause for their respective democratic, freedom-loving leaders who hope to get their votes – especially if that same Muslim population aspires to dramatically change the laws of their nation to be more like the countries they left behind. 

Of course, the puzzling question is, “if they were so dissatisfied with the oppression brought on by the heavy-handedness of radical Islam, in their countries of origin, which was the claim of many who supposedly came to attain refugee status, then why would they seek to reinstitute such an onerous way of life in their new home?”

Perhaps the answer is as simple as their arrival being a deliberate strategy to infiltrate peaceful countries, turning them into another Islamic stronghold, until no place on the face of the earth would be immune from this dangerous and oppressive ideology which craves control and dominance of all people.  Wouldn’t it be wise for the leaders of Europe and other continents to figure that out before it’s too late?

Because not doing so has dire consequences. There is truly a heavy price to pay for the defeat of terrorism, but it might be so much less of a sacrifice when considering the price to pay for allowing the enemies of mankind to win.  Here’s a good question to ask, “Would life still be worthwhile after it’s replaced by those who cherish death and are willing to kill the infidels?

In the end, maybe paying the price doesn’t seem too costly when thinking about the alternative and the consequences of not having gone against the tide.  It’s really up to everyone to make the decision of paying now or paying later, because either way, there is going to be a cost!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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