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Hamas psychological warfare: Terrorists release video of hostage, claim he died in Israeli air strike

Hostage families accuse Netanyahu of preventing hostage deal

Nadav Popplewell in a Hamas video (Photo: Screenshot)

The Hamas terror organization on Saturday released a video showing Nadav Popplewell (51), who was kidnapped from his home on Kibbutz Nirim on Oct. 7 has since been held hostage in the Gaza Strip.

The 10-second video shows Popplewell with a black eye, reading a short statement before cutting to a screen showing a question mark. The terrorists later claimed that Popplewell was killed during an Israeli air strike in Gaza.

Hamas has released several similar videos showing hostages over the past several months, in some cases claiming they had died but later releasing some of them alive.

The footage of Popplewell gave no indications as to when it had been filmed, and his family asked Israeli media not to air the video.

Popplewell’s mother was among the hostages kidnapped into Gaza before being released after 49 days in captivity during the November hostage deal. His brother Roy was murdered by terrorists on Oct. 7.

Following the video’s release, the Hostage and Missing Families Forum stated, “We do not have another moment to waste.”

“Every signal that comes from the hostages in captivity is another distress call for the Israeli government and those who stand at its head.”

“You must strive to implement a deal that will bring everyone back today - the living for restoration and the fallen for burial,” the forum stated.

After several months without providing any signs of life from the 132 hostages still in captivity, the terrorists released a video in April showing Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and another video showing Keith Siegel and Omri Miran.

Before a rally planned for later on Saturday evening, several representatives of the Hostage and Missing Families Forum issued statements to the media, with most accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of preventing a hostage deal allegedly due to political considerations.

Ayala Metzger, the daughter-in-law of Yoram Metzger, who was kidnapped by Hamas and was shown in another propaganda video, said: “Yoram come home, Bibi go home. This is the 218th day that our loved ones are in captivity in hell in Gaza.”

“We gathered here today to shout - the Israeli government gave up on the hostages and abandoned them to die in the captivity of Hamas. Today it is already clear that only a different government will be able to bring them home.”

“In the last two weeks, the prime minister in a criminal way torpedoed deals to rescue the kidnapped. Because Netanyahu made a deal. He abandons them to death for political reasons. As long as he is in power, the abductees will not return,” Metzger said.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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