IDF Bedouin warrant officer and tracker killed in battle on Oct 7 considered for Israel’s prestigious Medal of Valor

Ibrahim Kharuba, a Bedouin Israeli warrant officer and tracker in the Israeli military, has been named as a candidate for the Medal of Valor after he bravely defending female Israel Defense Forces (IDF) lookout soldiers at the Nahal Oz base on Oct. 7, 2023.
The Medal of Valor is the second-highest decoration in the IDF. The last time a soldier received the prestigious medal was in 2007 after the Second Lebanon War against the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist militia.
Kharuba reportedly fought against Hamas terrorists until he ran out of ammunition and was killed in battle. A total of 52 IDF soldiers, including 15 female surveillance soldiers, were killed by the numerically superior invading Hamas forces.
Ibrahim's father, Hassan Kharuba, praised his late son, saying, "He acted admirably—this is how I raised him. He was a man of values."
The late Kharuba junior is one of only two soldiers who are candidates for the prestigious IDF decoration.
Kharuba who served as a tracker in the northern brigade of the IDF Gaza Division, quickly realized the magnitude of the Hamas attack. Kharuba eventually led the defense at the entrance to the lookout post’s command center.
Kharuba, Lieutenant Nimrod Eliraz, Lieutenant Yohai Duchan – and the Staff Sergeant Itai Ron fought together against the large invading Hamas force.
Kharuba reportedly spoke to the terrorists in Arabic, trying to convince them to spare the female soldiers in the name of Islam. When the Hamas terrorists ignored his warning, he told them them he would never surrender and eventually fell in battle. Kharuba reportedly told the female soldiers that he was honored to die protecting them and defend the State of Israel.
"It was my greatest honor to defend you," Khatuba said according to a military investigation.
His father recalled that his son called him on the morning of the Hamas attack.
"Ibrahim called us that morning. He said the situation was dire and that dozens of terrorists had reached the base. He told us he was protecting the female lookouts. In our culture, the least one can do is protect women and daughters. I know exactly the kind of man I raised – Ibrahim was a man of values who would use his own body to shield others," the father said with the mixed feelings of grief and pride.
The father also condemned the Oct. 7 terrorists as a disgrace to Islam.
"Those who carried out the October 7 attack are a disgrace to Islam. Their behavior is despicable and unacceptable; it shames every true Muslim," he argued.
The father emphasized that his son deserves to receive the Medal of Valor for his selfless heroism.
"Ibrahim was extraordinary. That morning, he asked us to take care of his wife and children. He already understood it was the end. He is deserving of the medal; he is a war hero."
Unlike most Arab Israelis, many Bedouin Israelis traditionally serve in the military.
IDF Bedouin Israeli soldiers played a crucial role in eventually repelling the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023. Many displayed bravery during in the fighting against Hamas forces.
In January 2024, the Bedouin IDF combat reservist soldier Ahmad Abu Latif was one of 21 IDF soldiers who were killed in Gaza when terrorists fired two RPG anti-tank missiles at pre-rigged buildings that collapsed.
Shortly before his death, he wrote: “Hello, My name is Ahmad Abu Latif, father of little 11-month-old Mansoura. I have lived in Rahat all my life and worked for two years in campus security at the university, and I am proud to be a Bedouin-Israeli!”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.