Isaiah 62 Fast calls millions of believers worldwide to fast and pray for Israel
Three weeks of focused Christian prayer for Jerusalem and Israel

Several Christian and Messianic Jewish organizations around the world are participating in a movement called the Isaiah 62 Global 21-Days of Prayer and Fasting this year.
The global fast – taking place between May 7 and May 28 – started in the Kansas City-based International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), run by Mike Bickle, but has since been joined by various other Christian and Messianic Jewish organizations.
The name of the fast comes from chapter 62 of Book of Isaiah, which speaks of God’s future restoration and glorification of Jerusalem (Zion) in the eyes of the world. The chapter also states that God has put “watchmen” on the walls of Jerusalem to intercede for the city until He accomplishes His promises for it.
The movement seeks to gather over 1 million people to pray for Israel leading up to the biblical feast of Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost) this week.
According to a video released by IHOPKC, the fast is meant to highlight “the connection between God’s blessing on Jerusalem and the fulfilling of the Great Commission.”
Bickle said the fast was originally intended just for the staff of his ministry, as they determined to fast 21 days for Jerusalem and the salvation of the Jewish people. However, the IHOPKC leader said he was challenged by staff members to open the invitation to the general Christian community.
After accepting that challenge, Bickle said his ministry decided to create a separate website – – just dedicated to the fast, to serve as a resource center for the groups and ministries all over the globe who are participating in the 21-day time of prayer and fasting.
The website is designed to allow believers to find local groups who are offering prayer events, prayer calendars, or other resources for those who want to participate.
Bickle said he hopes to “raise up 100 million intercessors for Israel.”
A significant motivation for the fast is the belief that a great turning of the Jewish people to the God of the Bible through the Messiah, Jesus, will happen before Jesus’ return. In Romans 11, Paul speaks of the current rejection of Jesus by Israel, and Israel being “provoked” by the Gentiles to jealousy, according to Bickle.
For many Evangelical Christians, the return of Jesus and the restoration of Israel are connected. While there are different views of eschatology – the beliefs related to the End Times – most Evangelical Christians believe the two events are related in some way.
The Isaiah 62 Fast organizers said their focus is not eschatology, but a desire “to raise up intercessors for Israel.”
One of the groups joining the global fast movement is Israeli Messianic ministry, One for Israel.
Dr. Seth Postel, Academic Dean of the One for Israel Bible College, recently released a video on the prophetic significance of Isaiah 62 and how believers can use the passage to “Pray for Israel.”
Dr. Postel noted that the “watchmen” described in Isaiah 62 do not keep silent – that is, they don’t stop interceding for Jerusalem – until the city shines forth with righteousness, salvation, and glory.
If you would like to know more about the Isaiah 62 Fast, and how you can participate, visit the website, where you can find resources, such as prayer calendars and prayer guides, as well as connect with local congregations and ministries who are participating in the event.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.