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Shocking reports of Hamas atrocities amid sham genocide accusations against Israel

Hamas terrorists murdering Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, 2023 (Photo: Screenshot)

By launching a meritless proceeding against Israel for the crimes of genocide and incitement, South Africa provides protective cover to Hamas and its related Iranian terrorist proxies, who themselves are the ones guilty of those crimes – a classic case study of the false accusation in the mirror.”

This was just one of the many headlines in the weekend Jerusalem Post newspaper which comprehensively reported on the two stories dominating the news – the Hague proceedings, accusing Israel of Genocide by South Africa, and more shocking revelations of the horrific atrocities that were committed by the barbaric Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel on Oct. 7 in order to perpetrate a massacre on innocents.

It is within all of these stories that we get a firsthand look at the depth of evil which has not only been responsible for depraved acts but also for trying to twist and manipulate the narrative to make it appear that Israel is the monster in this scenario. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, himself said, “Israel is accused of genocide while fighting genocide.”

And this is what is so galling! Following the Oct. 7 attack, a compilation of video footage was made available to journalists, political figures and many others, simply because the monstrous assertions of debased and inhumane behavior, the likes of which we haven’t seen or heard about since the days of the Holocaust, was met with a great deal of skepticism and unbelief. 

While most of us have, thankfully, not seen those horrifying scenes, Zvika Klein, editor of the Jerusalem Post, described in terrifying detail, some of these unspeakable atrocities which are nearly impossible to fathom that any human being with a heart and a conscience could have performed. If you have the stomach to read through his article, it’s worth the painful effort, if for nothing else, only to understand just how devious the enemies of Israel are, to accuse us of the profound wickedness that lies deep within them. 

He talks about those who were decapitated, laying in rows among others, but having the wrong heads placed with the dead bodies. For them, it was some kind of twisted and sick perversion which they apparently found amusing. He speaks about many women who were sexually abused and tortured in ways that defy our worst imaginations. His full account can be accessed here.

Another article dealt with the responses of a forensic pathologist who has had the monumental and painstaking task of carefully analyzing how individuals died, to what extent they were tortured and whether or not they suffered for lengthy periods, making their deaths all the more difficult for loved ones to accept. Trying to comfort families as much as possible, he does his best to search for any signs that might indicate that suffering was minimal, but, in many cases, he has been unable to provide that kind of consolation. 

A number of the articles, in the weekend paper, began by marking the 100 days that have already passed since this nightmare, known as the “Black Sabbath,” took place and, despite the passage of more than three months, we are collectively still unable to wrap our heads around the magnitude of this tragedy which befell our people and our nation. 

A type of shocking disbelief and incredulity has taken hold of us, numbing our souls, in a way that has paralyzed our minds and senses, making it difficult to move on to a place of accepting the incomprehensible and heart-wrenching facts.

But to add insult to injury, Israel is now being accused of having no heart, conscience or morality for daring to strike back at those who did the unthinkable. 

Imagine a homeowner being robbed at gunpoint, having all their possessions appropriated to the thief, and then being brutally beaten and thrown out of his dwelling into the cold, dark night. The next day, as he goes to the police to try to reclaim all that was forcibly taken from him, the thief produces a forged document showing that the house is actually his. He goes on to slander the rightful owner, who is finally arrested for harassment, and must now hire a lawyer to defend what was wrongly taken from him at the same time that he is barely able to function as a result of the physical assault he suffered.

The imaginary scenario is so absurd and so grievous that it can only be a fictional depiction of a fabricated movie plot, but this is exactly the fantastical chain of events that is now being played out in the arena of world justice. 

Israel, a sovereign country, which was recognized by world governments in 1948 and which had to defend herself throughout 75 years of wars fought against her to take away her rightful place among the nations, is suddenly being painted as the thief who stole what wasn’t hers. As a result, she was brutally and savagely attacked, leaving her citizens deeply shattered and broken. But that wasn’t enough. 

Now we must also be held personally responsible for those horrific sins, committed by terrorists, in a way that mocks our national pride and the high moral standards, which are a great part of our collective identity. It is truly more than anyone can take, but somehow, with God’s help, we will survive this moment in our history, too.

As the world cries out against the injustice of homeless Gazans, we shall also take the opportunity to, likewise, lament that many of the northern and southern Israeli citizens are also displaced, living in uncomfortable, temporary shelters, totally dependent upon the kindness of others. It’s also a good time to remind those, whose sympathies lie only with the war-torn Gaza residents, that none of this would be happening were it not for the evil and Satanic impulses which drove the Hamas terrorists to commit the greatest abominations that are known to man. 

And so, the true face of genocide, barbaric acts and leaving people homeless and bereft of their family and friends, can only be attributed to those who love destruction and killing more than they value life and living. Their wickedness extends to having found a way to absolve themselves from their heinous crimes, which are so profoundly deviant and diabolic, that they only belong to the pit of hell from whence they came.

As many of us had a chance to watch the skilled and articulate attorneys, who have spoken on Israel’s behalf in the Hague proceedings, over the past few days, there is a certainty and resolve that we are more than justified in our fight against the forces of darkness, that have no place in any civilized society but which needs to be eradicated from our midst in order to rid the world of savagery and the unprovoked violence which accompanies those whose minds and hearts have been taken over by demonic powers that are set on destroying God’s creation. 

May truth prevail in the midst of sham genocide accusations!

A former Jerusalem elementary and middle-school principal and the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US before the Holocaust. Making Aliyah in 1993, she became a member of Kibbutz Reim but now lives in the center of the country with her husband.

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