All Israel
Jerusalem prayer breakfast

‘We repent for our government’ – While their leaders support ‘Palestine,’ South Africans, Norwegians show their love for Israel

Evangelical Christians raise their voice against their governments

Hanan Lischinsky interviews Stephan Christiansen at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast 2024 (Photo: ALL ISRAEL NEWS)

Most of the nearly 400 Christian and Jewish leaders attending this year’s Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Jerusalem amid the ongoing war, arrived from countries that at least tacitly support the Jewish nation.

However, in a gesture that is especially moving for many Israelis, they were joined by leaders from South Africa and Norway, representing two countries that made headlines due to anti-Israel moves in recent months.

South Africa is the lead nation advancing the charges of “genocide” against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and has been a top supporter of the Palestinian cause in the international arena.

Norway this week joined Ireland and Spain in officially recognizing a Palestinian state, and in the past supported many pro-Palestinian NGOs acting against Israeli interests in Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank.

However, Evangelical Christians in both South Africa and Norway have raised their voices against their governments, declaring their love and support for Israel.

Stephan Christiansen, founder and president of “Jesus Revolution,” traveled to Israel for the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast (JPB) with his wife Anne.

“We’re here to say that there are so many friends of Israel in Norway and in front of our government building, there has been several pro-Israel gatherings, but this is not shown in the media. So all we want to say Israel, you have so many friends in Norway,” Anne Christiansen said.

Stephan told ALL ISRAEL NEWS: “Our current government unfortunately made the grand historic mistake of yesterday recognizing a Palestinian state.”

“It’s so vital and important for us now to say, we are here, we love you, we stand together with you. And Norwegian government is not really speaking as such on behalf of the Norwegian population.”

“Sometimes you think that what happens may also be because of our neglects, right? And, so, sometimes what also happens in the political world is – because we didn’t pray, we didn’t seek the Lord, we didn't stand up,” Christiansen added.

“I would like to say as a born South African that we deeply regret and that we apologize to this nation, and we truly repent for what our government does,” Rev. Dr. Suzette Hattingh told ALL ISRAEL NEWS.

Hanan Lischinsky interviews Rev. Dr. Suzette Hattingh at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast 2024 (Photo: ALL ISRAEL NEWS)

“They are small, they are not majority, they don't speak for South Africa, they are paid to do what they do. We South Africans, we stand with Israel, not only in solidarity, but we stand with Israel in prayer, in faith, we believe in this land, we believe that this land has a calling and a destiny to be a blessing to the nations,” said Hattingh, who is co-founder of the ministry “Voice in the City.”

“We believe in supporting Israel on all possible levels,” she added.

Hanan Lischinsky has a Master’s degree in Middle East & Israel studies from Heidelberg University in Germany, where he spent part of his childhood and youth. He finished High School in Jerusalem and served in the IDF’s Intelligence Corps. Hanan and his wife live near Jerusalem, and he joined ALL ISRAEL NEWS in August 2023.

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