All Israel

Day 270: IDF strikes rocket launch areas in Khan Younis, eliminates terrorists in Rafah and Shejaiya

IDF death toll from ground operations in the Gaza Strip rises to 322

Israeli soldiers operating in Gaza (Photo: IDF)

Following the largest rocket attack from the Gaza Strip in seven months, Israel Defense Forces announced on Tuesday morning that it had used fighter jets to strike the launch areas in the southern town of Khan Younis overnight.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists took responsibility for the launch of about 20 rockets toward Israeli communities bordering the Gaza Strip on Monday, which were largely intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system.

In response, the IDF stated it had struck a weapons warehouse, operational apartments, and other terrorist infrastructure in Khan Younis in cooperation with the IDF’s Southern Command.

The Israeli army emphasized that it had taken all necessary precautionary measures before the attacks, allowing civilians to evacuate the area to avoid casualties and injuries as much as possible.

IDF Arabic Spokesman Lt.-Col. Avichay Adraee called on residents of eastern Khan Younis to evacuate toward the humanitarian zone on the coast. Similar calls preceded Israeli ground incursions in the past.

“The terrorist organization Hamas systematically violates international law while cynically exploiting the civilian population as a shield for terrorist actions against the State of Israel,” the IDF stated.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, the Israeli strikes killed 8 and wounded 30 others in Khan Younis.

Meanwhile, the IDF continued its ongoing operations in other areas of the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, near the Egyptian border.

Nahal Brigade soldiers operating in Rafah ambushed a squad of armed terrorists who advanced toward Israeli forces in a vehicle, shooting and killing the squad.

In Gaza City’s Shejaiya District, troops of the 98th Division continued to eliminate Hamas terrorists in the area. In cooperation with the ground troops, the Israel Air Force (IAF) struck several terrorists and bombed tunnel shafts, ammunition depots and a building from which anti-tank fire was launched.

Fighters of the 7th Brigade battlegroup located numerous weapons, including Kalashnikov rifles, vests, and other military equipment during raids in the area.

In central Gaza, 99th Division troops eliminated several terrorists during gun battles and located weapons and military equipment.

Over the last day, IAF fighter jets, helicopter gunships and drones attacked about 30 military targets while assisting ground forces, including military depots, terrorist infrastructure and Hamas military buildings.

In the last 24 hours, two Israeli soldiers were killed while fighting. They were identified as Master Sgt. (res.) Nadav Elchanan Knoller (30), who served in the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade, from Jerusalem; and Maj. (res.) Eyal Avnion (25), from the 8th Reserve Armored Brigade, from Hod Hasharon. Another soldier was seriously wounded in battle.

The IDF death toll from ground operations in Gaza stands at 322.

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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