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US offers Israel ‘compensation package’ to avoid striking certain Iranian targets in response to missile assault – report

‘Iran is in a corner and desperate,’ says former CENTCOM commander

A general view of fire at an oil refinery in Birjand, Iran, Dec. 10, 2023. Mohsen Noferesti/IRNA/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS

The Biden administration has been offering to compensate Israel for refraining from striking certain targets in Iran as part of its planned response to the regime’s ballistic missile assault last week, Israel’s Kan News reported Sunday.

“You can call this a ‘compensation/temptation package’ which the U.S. government is offering Israel in the past days,” said Amichai Stein, the channel’s diplomatic correspondent.

He cited informed sources saying that American officials have offered extensive diplomatic backing and a large, additional package of military assistance if Israel complied with the Biden administration’s requests.

“We consider the US our ally, and are always ready to listen,” a source told Kan. “At the same time, we will do everything necessary to protect the citizens of Israel and Israel’s security.”

Since the Iranian assault last Tuesday evening, intensive talks have been held between Israeli and American officials to coordinate Israel’s response.

While Israeli leaders vowed a “severe response,” the Biden administration has sought to limit Israeli strikes, especially on nuclear and oil facilities.

“The Israelis have not concluded what they are going to do. That's under discussion,” Biden said on Friday.

“If I were in their shoes, I would be thinking about other alternatives than striking Iranian oil fields,” he added, after saying on Wednesday that he opposed an attack on the regime’s nuclear facilities.

Former U.S. CENTCOM commander Frank McKenzie said the Biden administration’s public comments on Israel’s response were “unwise.”

In a recent interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation,” McKenzie said that taking “a potential target off the menu” would make it easier for Iran to plan its defense against Israel.

“Having said that, the Iranian nuclear target is a very difficult target. We have special capabilities that allow us to get at it. The Israelis do not have all of those capabilities. They can certainly hurt this target if they choose to, if they choose to strike it. But again, because of its size, complexity and scope and how it’s expanded over the last 10 years, it’s a very difficult target to take out.”

“It’s always been my belief that the Iranians flirt with breakout with getting fissile material to create a bomb in order to extract concessions from us,” McKenzie added while cautioning, “They also know if they cross that line, you can’t go back. That’s a Rubicon that can’t be recrossed.”

“Iran is the country that’s in a corner. Their strike against Israel several nights ago was not particularly successful. Their principal ally in the region, Hezbollah has been decapitated, and its own offensive capability is gravely limited. Hezbollah’s is gravely limited. So, Iran’s on their back heel.”

“Israel has a lot of choices here,” McKenzie emphasized. “They have a wide variety of options that they can choose from. They have the capability to execute most of those attacks.”

The All Israel News Staff is a team of journalists in Israel.

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